One of the World's Most Attractive Employers Ha sido salvado
One of the World's Most Attractive Employers
Universum ranking 2015
Deloitte has been nominated by students around the world as one of the World’s Most Attractive Employers, ranked #6 in the Business Category and in the top 50 in the Engineering Category.
More than 240,000 respondents from the Universum Talent Surveys have ranked the companies they find most desirable for employment. Business and engineering students in the world’s 12 largest economies have evaluated employers based on 40 characteristics revealing what they consider most important in their employment decisions.
“The 2015 World’s Most Attractive Employers confirms that Millennials will go to work for companies whose stories they can tell, whose values they can espouse and whose businesses they can learn,” says Petter Nylander, CEO of Universum. “These students told us that in their work environments, they are seeking platforms for their own performance and growth. And they told us which companies are accomplishing this.”
About World’s Most Attractive Employers Ranking (WMAE)
The WMAE rankings are compiled from the Universum Talent Surveys, conducted in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK and US. These markets represent 69 percent of the world’s economy. The field period for the data collection was from September 2014 to April 2015.
About Universum
A global research and advisory firm specializing in employer branding, Universum’s mission is to help employers excel in recruitment and retention by ensuring improvements to their employer brands. Universum delivers a full range of services in research, strategic consulting and communication solutions that enable employers to better understand, attract and retain ideal employees. Universum is a trusted partner to 1700 clients, including many Fortune 500 companies, and co-operates with 2000 universities worldwide to conduct research on the career and employer preferences of top talent.