
Infrastructure & Capital Projects

Excellence for an integrated approach in the whole project life cycle

The utilization of several emerging technologies and the construction of a digital capacity are changing the way organizations deliver and execute capital projects and are transforming the market through new efficiency and control parameters.

The infrastructure and capital projects market, due to the figure of its projects and investments, holds huge challenges, in all senses: be it in the strategy and planning phase, in the management of time, costs and quality during the execution or during the asset operation itself.

Within this dynamic reality, an integrated approach throughout the whole project life cycle is imperative to ensure synergy between the several actors and stages that comprise the life cycle of an asset, thus, maximizing the chances for investment success.

From planning to operation, considering aspects as diverse as costs, schedule, risks, contracts, finance, compliance and environment, several are the factors that may benefit an approach that gathers management expertise and excellence knowledge in engineering, construction and projects.

Deloitte integrates the processes, the technology and the human capital necessary to support the several actors which conduct capital projects – private investors, contractors and public agents – in its transition to a new age of efficiency and compliance, based on a digital approach.

Our approach

Solutions for each stage of the project

Our solutions

Where and how should capital be invested?

Support on planning, financing and contracting to ensure that the decisions made are strategically aligned with the organization objectives to attract investment


  • Capital productivity
  • Portfolio management and optimization
  • Master Plan Planning Program


Are you fit to deliver your projects? How are you in comparison to your market peers?

Implementation of robust governance and control systems to support capital projects deliveries and future asset operation


  • Risk Analytics
  • CapEx (capital expenditure) assessment and project maturity
  • Stakeholders and community engagement
  • Definition of the operational model, PPM process design and Stage Gate methodology
  • Control solutions and capital project reports

Are you certain about the conclusion of your projects within the planned costs and schedule?

Complete and full support in the implementation of capital projects, from contracting, through construction management and execution, to the stage where the asset transits from project to operation


  • Contract, supply management and contracting support
  • Capital projects monitoring and control
  • Operational readiness (transition between project and operation)
  • Project performance optimization, independent engineer and cost to complete
  • Project risk mitigation and claims management prevention
  • Compliance, technical audits and exceeding costs recovery
  • Technical advisory in capital projects disputes and claims litigation 

Has digital technology been applied in full potential to improve capital projects efficiency?

Potentialization of digital technology power and analytical tools to improve capital projects deliveries


  • Integrated data analysis
  • Data visualization and control dashboards
  • Adoption of digital and exponential solutions
  • Implementation of Project Portfolio Management solutions
  • Suppliers and contractors intelligence
  • Project control Plug and Play

Our team

Multidisciplinary team

Key contact

Eduardo Raffaini

Eduardo Raffaini

Leader of Infrastructure & Capital Projects and of the Energy & Chemicals and Industrial Products & Construction sectors

Lead partner for the Infrastructure & Capital Projects practice and leader of Deloitte's Center for Infrastructure & Capital Projects. He is specialized in the Energy & Resources industry with a parti... More

Eduardo Oliveira

Eduardo Oliveira

Chairman of Deloitte Brasil

Eduardo has solid experience in financial advisory and served for several years as Infrastructure & Capital Projects leader at Deloitte. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board and Director of Ethi... More