
Campus Blog: How to stand out as a team and on your own

By Durray Masood

Staff Accountant, Audit and Advisory | Summer Co-op

As the new school year begins so does a new recruiting season with another year of events for you to experience during your recruitment journey. The important part to remember is that recruitment is indeed a journey towards your career goals, and not a jump to your desired profession. Keeping this in mind, your goal should be to use any recruitment event you attend to build your presence, and move forward to the next opportunity.

The first type of recruiting opportunity you must learn to navigate through is the “group stand out.” The are several case competitions, group activities and other situations in which you will have to work with your peers – these will help you learn to stand out not only in front of your peers, but also with them.

In a team presentation setting, you should each have the opportunity to shine. But, creating a cohesive environment for that to happen is just as important. Recruiters, or whomever you’re presenting to, can tell whether you are comfortable with your fellow team members. Preparing with your team shows excellent teamwork but it takes leadership to create a setting where everyone can do their best seamlessly. 

The second type of recruiting opportunity that you must learn to navigate through is the “individual stand out.” These intimate opportunities to network, whether it is a coffee or a mock interview, give you more one-on-one time to impress. 

This means you should represent yourself in the best way possible. To do so, have an idea of what unique details you want to share about your work experience, volunteer or extra-curricular activities, and even about yourself. Because you have more one-on-one time with the person, you have more of an opportunity to share your success stories and where you see yourself progressing as a student and as a professional. Students who demonstrate an “aspire to inspire” attitude embody the characteristics of an individual who has the potential to lead others.

Your journey navigating through the recruitment process will be eventful, and more importantly, dynamic. You must understand that not all recruiting opportunities are the same, which is why it’s up to you to be different.

Durray Masood is a fourth-year student at the Schulich School of Business majoring in accounting.

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