Nation Building
Collaborating for a stronger Canada

In 2020, Deloitte developed and published corporate Canada’s first Reconciliation Action Plan, or RAP. It set out tangible goals under four pillars of reconciliation: inclusion, education, employment, and economic empowerment. As part of holding ourselves accountable for reaching those goals, we publish an annual update on our progress.
Since initiating the plan, we have engaged with hundreds of Indigenous Nations and Peoples, communities, businesses, and organizations across Canada. We sought their guidance to develop a deep understanding of the social, political, and technical frameworks required to help deliver holistic solutions to what emerged as signature issues: jurisdiction, economic empowerment, and community infrastructure.
From these insights and relationships, our Nation Building practice crafted an Indigenous-led approach that draws on the leadership, capability, and experience of our practitioners. We work as integrators, facilitators, and advisors for and with those who play a critical role in advancing sovereignty and greater economic empowerment: Indigenous Nations and Peoples, non-Indigenous governments, and corporate Canada.
Working together, we can walk the path that will transform our country for the better, for all generations to come.

Supporting Indigenous Nations and Peoples on their journey to sovereignty
Indigenous Nations and Peoples often face systemic barriers that impact their ability to meaningfully participate in the labour market, regain financial autonomy, and pursue opportunities for economic development to grow independent wealth. These barriers create challenges with:
Long-term planningFinding the time and capacity to design and implement sustainable strategies and plans to change the trajectory for future generations can be complicated.
Modernizing governance systemsThe governance systems and structures of many Nations were impacted by the Indian Act, and challenge decision-making over resources and economic development.
Accessing, funding, and developing adequate infrastructureInadequate housing and public infrastructure, insufficient broadband and connectivity, and a lack of access to clean drinking water are just a few examples of the inadequate infrastructure that has decreased the quality of life.
Accessing adequate health care, education, and child and family servicesLimited access to programs and services that are well-funded, planned, and governed with sufficient capacity has made it difficult to provide equitable service levels to communities.

Inspiring change across the public sector
An unprecedented shift is underway as non-Indigenous governments across Canada now seek to work alongside Indigenous Nations and Peoples who are pursuing their sovereignty aspirations. Our team can help governments resolve challenges they may experience in this work with:
Delivering fundingMaximize the impact of funding to Indigenous Nations and Peoples’ priorities and needs.
Developing, implementing, and transferring programs and servicesDesign plans for the transfer of programs from government to Indigenous Nations and Peoples.
Solving for the opioid crisis and strengthening health, education, and child welfare programs and servicesCollaboratively develop and implement timely and scalable solutions to challenges, especially the opioid crisis, that disproportionately impact Indigenous Peoples.
Meeting Indigenous procurement commitmentsFulfill governments’ Indigenous procurement commitments, from policy through to sourcing.

Seeking possibilities for reconciliation across corporate Canada
Businesses that want to maximize Indigenous participation in the work they do and support Nations and Peoples in their sovereignty and economic development aspirations often struggle with how to do so. We can help companies:
Navigate inter-Nation dynamicsPartnering with Indigenous Nations and Peoples or requiring consent, buy-in, and/or social licence for major projects on traditional Indigenous territories is key. Navigating complex governance constructs between different Nations presents unique challenges and opportunities. Meaningful and effective engagement creates mutually beneficial outcomes while not investing in a tailored engagement strategy can cause delays, unnecessary costs, or even the termination of projects.
Advance the reconciliation journeyWe advise clients seeking to understand customs specific to Indigenous Nations and Peoples with whom they are working, create approaches and strategies that are authentic, or find innovative ways to provide value beyond compliance.
Achieve climate targetsHaving to innovate business models to reach environmental, social, and governance targets offers a new avenue: solutions that draw on centuries-old approaches to managing land sustainably. We can help companies work with Indigenous Nations and Peoples to develop these.

Opening up new opportunities
Developing innovative business models and commercial solutions can benefit Indigenous Nations and Peoples along with businesses operating in Canada. Creating Indigenous-led opportunities supports capacity-building and new ways of enabling prosperity in Canada. We can help:
Enhance Indigenous relationships to unlock mutually beneficial and agreeable commercial opportunities.
Enhance reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples through economic empowerment and inclusion.

Together we’ll build stronger Nations and a stronger Canada.

"I’m thrilled to serve as managing partner of Deloitte’s Nation Building practice, a role that enables me to create new pathways to economic empowerment for Indigenous Nations and Peoples. I hope that non-Indigenous clients and corporate Canada are as motivated as I am and will join us in our journey to build a stronger Canada together."
Jolain Foster
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Explore how Deloitte is making an impact that matters
Nation Building Advisory
Serving as advisors to Indigenous Nations, non-Indigenous governments, and corporations.
Discover how we’re advancing our reconciliation journey
Deloitte’s Reconciliation Action Plan seeks to strengthen relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples in Canada working toward an inclusive and sustainable future—together.