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Our team of industry professionals work with your organization to identify risk categories and customize CRiSP to you.

Data streaming

CRiSP’s state-of-the-art natural language processing model streams and aggregates data from digital media sources into a single data warehouse.

Risk Tagging

CRiSP will continuously monitor all data streams and automatically tag potential risks for your organization to review.


If your team chooses to reject certain results, CRiSP will learn from this and tag risks more accurately in the future.

Analytics and alerts

CRiSP will automatically generate an alert when it identifies interactions on digital media platforms that pose a potential risk to your organization.


Your organization evolves with the conversation on digital media platforms by giving you a proactive risk strategy.

Generate more accurate and actionable insights driven by the packaging and understanding of digital data.

Get a better return on investment from your organizations social media monitoring.

Why choose CRiSP?

  • Language Understanding

    CRiSP is able to identify the risk factors related to your keywords through an AI-fueled understanding of the colloquial nuances of digital media language.

  • Flexibility

    CRiSP goes beyond traditional sentiment analyses to capture areas of risk specific to your organization.

  • Self-learning

    CRiSP uses feedback from your team to improve the systems own understanding of your risk factors and refine the mechanics of its detection accuracy.

  • Scalability

    CRiSP can quickly processes structured and unstructured data from multiple digital media sources.

  • Data coverage

    With CRiSP, you can monitor 100% of incoming data to identify even the smallest potential risks to your organization.

The team

Dina Kamal

Dina Kamal

Risk AI Leader

Email Dina icon-chevron-arrow


Phil Symonds

Ian Scott

Partner, Chief Data Scientist

Email Ian icon-chevron-arrow


Michael Van Der Boom

Jay F. McMahan

Partner, Risk Advisory

Email Jay icon-chevron-arrow


Book a CRiSP demo