
Navigating uncertainty

Scenarios for Canadian oil and gas leaders

Globally, the oil and gas industry is facing two concurrent crises - COVID-19 and the oil price collapse. For Canada, however, the industry has the additional challenges of market access and stakeholder resistance. In today’s environment, companies need to reimagine how they will compete and thrive, and address difficult short and long-term choices about their future.

This report introduces four plausible scenarios of how the Canadian oil and gas industry may evolve over the next 10 - 15 years. These scenarios outline potential futures and have been created to spark insight and spot opportunity. This report will:

  • Describe the uncertainties facing the Canadian oil and gas industry and present four possible future scenarios.
  • Describe the implications for strategic and operational choices in an environment of increased uncertainty.
  • Identify short and long-term decisions for companies to rethink how to compete and thrive.
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