How SEO helps websites achieve revenue goals


How SEO helps websites achieve revenue goals

When qualified prospects visit pages on a website and find exactly what they’re looking for, the result may well lead to increased leads and sales.

So, how do companies ensure these prospects find them before they find their competitors? By making sure their website and its most relevant pages are optimized to rank high in search results. This process is called search engine optimization, or SEO.

Although SEO is a complex, long-term strategy, it’s one of the best investments a company can make. By ranking higher on search engines, a website is more likely to be seen by users who are searching for the products or services being offered.

More than 90% of search traffic comes from the first page of results and over 50% from the top two organic results alone.

The first step in optimizing a website is to thoroughly understand its current state by analyzing the website structure, content, and usability through an SEO/website audit.

What is an SEO/website audit?

Search engines uses a complex algorithm to determine the ranking of webpages. This algorithm considers a range of factors, including the relevance of content as it relates to the search query and the quality of a website. Technical structure and performance factors such as page load time, mobile design, user experience, and linking are also assessed.

An SEO/website audit is a comprehensive analysis of how well a website performs in such a search. It will help identify any issues that may be preventing a website from ranking well and provide recommendations for improvement.

Deloitte’s website audit methodology and approach

We will:

  • Step 1: Launch a crawling tool that scans a website (and any other subdomains) to identify all pages that are currently being indexed by search engines, as well as those that have been missed.
  • Step 2: Undertake a comprehensive analysis of all relevant company platforms, such as Analytics, Search Console, and Webmaster Tools
  • Step 3: Analyze the website architecture and layout to ensure the navigation is properly set up for both search engines and human visitors.
  • Step 4: Conduct an analysis of the content to ensure it has high value and relevance to visitors. This includes ensuring the content is unique, uses the most effective keywords, and is the optimal length.
  • Step 5: Analyze and classify more than 260 critical line items classifying them into categories such as Technical, Content, Tracking, On-Page, Usability, And Mobile. Each line-item is given a score, insights, and recommendations to address any issues.
  • Step 6: Prepare an executive summary and presentation that highlights the final audit score, general observations, immediate fixes, scoring breakdown, and instructions on working through the assessment.

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