Press releases
Deloitte proud to host Canadian Athletes at Game Plan Summit
Athlete wellness and transition program powered by Deloitte helps athletes pursue excellence beyond their sporting careers
TORONTO (November 4, 2016) – Today, Deloitte welcomed over 130 national team athletes to the second annual Game Plan Summit, which kicked-off yesterday and goes through Sunday. The Summit is taking place at Deloitte University, located at the firm’s new national office in downtown Toronto.
The Summit provides high-performance Canadian athletes with networking and skill-building opportunities that help them as they continue to pursue excellence in their current sporting careers and once their competitive days end. The three-day event is part of Game Plan, Powered by Deloitte, an holistic total wellness and transition initiative designed to alleviate life’s common stressors and distractors, allowing athletes to focus on sporting performance when it matters most.
“Deloitte is a firm believer in supporting and celebrating the pursuit of excellence demonstrated by the Canadian Olympic team. We are proud to welcome so many Canadian athletes to our new Toronto office for the Game Plan Summit,” said Duncan Sinclair, Vice-Chair, Deloitte in Canada. “Our nation’s athletes are an inspiring group of individuals who have the courage to give so much of themselves to represent our country. As a founding partner of Game Plan, we’re excited to have the opportunity to give back to them and positively impact their contribution and impact as leaders to the future of Canada.”
Past Summit participants have described the event as a, “game changer, but in the game of life” and as, “an incredibly valuable opportunity for athletes, not just for networking/information/resource gathering, but more so to find strength and support through hearing the stories of other athletes.”
Deloitte and the Canadian Olympic Committee have partnered through to 2032 – an unprecedented term of engagement – with the goal of supporting Canadian athletes’ journey during their competitive days and as they prepare for life beyond sport through Game Plan, Powered by Deloitte.
For more information about Game Plan, please visit:
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Deloitte, one of Canada's leading professional services firms, provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. Deloitte LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership, is the Canadian member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
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