Seven lessons COVID-19 has taught us about data strategy


Seven lessons COVID-19 has taught us about data strategy

How Canada can maximize the value of data

Data has played a significant role in governments’ efforts to combat the wide-ranging repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Defence departments worldwide have used data, analytics, and emerging technologies to inform their decisions about business continuity, force protection, health, and safety. In Canada, that has included Aid to the Civil Power in parallel with government policy decisions regarding mitigation measures such as travel bans, quarantine measures, social distancing, school and business closures, and economic aid. 

While abundant data is available, integrated and holistic data strategies are needed to maximize the value of the information and decision-making derived from data. Several insights emerged during the coronavirus crisis that can inform the development of such strategies throughout government departments. Our article, Seven lessons COVID-19 has taught us about data strategy, outlines how they can achieve this.

For defence departments, these lessons should be considered in an operational and institutional context: 

  • Framing and developing biometric policies
  • Maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of process/exploitation/dissemination of surveillance and reconnaissance feeds
  • Prioritizing capital and infrastructure investments
  • Managing the supply chain with certainty 

While the article centres on data strategies in a pandemic context, the same principles apply to dynamic and long-term policymaking situations.

For the full story, read Seven lessons COVID-19 has taught us about data strategy.

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