Regulatory, Safety & Environment
Practical solutions for energy companies
We help energy companies meet regulatory requirements for safety, emergency response, surface land and environmental compliance.
Companies in the energy sector must comply with a wide range of safety and environmental regulations. Failure to meet legislated safety standards can jeopardize business operations. More importantly, inattention to federal, provincial or regional regulations can put your organization at risk, increase employee health and safety risk, and increase the likelihood of experiencing safety or environmental events — which can put everyone at risk.
To reduce your risk and ensure compliance, you need people with experience. Our safety and regulatory compliance professionals have a long track record of serving energy companies in Western Canada. They can develop customized emergency response plans; develop and implement practical personal, process and on-site safety programs; develop pipeline integrity management plans and facilitate surface land transactions. We help you navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements, so you can maintain focus on your top priorities: managing your business. Our regulatory, safety and environmental services include the following:
Emergency response planning
Be fully capable of responding to any level of emergency. A comprehensive emergency response plan covers prevention and preparedness, as well as response and recovery. Preparedness is tested annually through exercises that ensure your organization understands how to implement the plan and manage the incident — an integral aspect to effective emergency response planning.
Pipeline integrity
Effectively implement and manage safe and efficient pipeline operations. This includes developing, managing and executing programs for new project approvals, integrity management, compliant operational procedures, pipeline asset risk assessments, pipeline ground disturbance and pipeline inspection and audit requirements. Implement training programs to ensure your staff members understand and follow proper operating guidelines.
Regulatory and environmental compliance
Ensure your oil and gas operations comply with all relevant government and industry standards. Develop and implement compliance programs with complete confidence that your organization fully understands and meets the regulatory requirements, whether from provincial bodies — such as the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission (BCOGC) — or federal regulators, such as the National Energy Board (NEB), the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). Ensure that your compliance also extends to regulations from industry associations, including the Edmonton Area Pipeline and Utility Operators Committee (EAPUOC) and Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP).
Safety services
Ensure your safety obligations are properly organized and managed. Leverage our best-in-class, field-tested programs to deliver on your commitments to developing a strong safety culture, maintaining a safe workplace and providing on-site safety support. Implement corporate and site-specific safety programs — across both your organization and your contractors. Our safety expertise includes delivering training on safe operating procedures, developing corporate competency in hazard identification, leading incident investigations and supporting safety on the ground by deploying on-site safety professionals. Our goal: to get your employees and contractors home safe every day.
Waste tracking and management
Ensure proper waste management planning and procedures — including waste management planning, detailing classification, handling requirements and disposal options — as well as waste tracking. Clients can leverage our data management service and our Core software system to track waste manifest and waste disposal data. Use it to access information for your annual waste disposition reporting obligations and also to generate ad-hoc reports to analyze your waste volumes and related disposal costs.
Contact our leader
Keith Serre, MSc., P.Eng.
National EHS Leader
View my Linkedin profile
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(403) 298 5951