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Jennifer Pratt-Wagner and the Blood Bank

Jen is the Team Lead for our community partnership with the Cayman Islands Blood Bank. Every year, she coordinates several Blood Drives for our people to support.

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Cayman Islands Blood Bank

The need for blood donations is constant and it is the Blood Bank of the Cayman Islands’ responsibility to ensure that there is a healthy and reliable supply in Cayman through empowerment and education.

Hear how Jen is making an impact that matters!

I joined Toastmasters in 2012, and my mentor is the most amazing lady. During one of our meetings, she delivered a persuasive speech to encourage us to donate blood.

She told us about 50 years ago in Cayman, her mother had a baby. A few days later, her mom was home from the hospital and suddenly, she felt ill and was rushed to the hospital in need of blood. Back then, the blood bank was very small and did not have many blood donors and in her mom’s case, none of her family members were a blood match. Miraculously, that same morning, a first time blood donor went to the blood bank and donated blood, which was a match and that blood was used to save her mother’s life.

The newborn baby is my friend’s older sibling, so if that first time blood donor had not donated blood that day, my friend would never have been born.

As part of Deloitte's Community Ambassadors Team, I am the proud Team Lead for the Cayman Islands Blood Bank, and I get to liaise and coordinate our impact activities for them. So far, I have proudly led six blood donation drives, and I am very happy to continue making my impact, as well as helping others make theirs too.

Blood donations save lives, and it is only a few minutes to make a huge impact!