

Deloitte Legal

Companies are facing an increasing number of business challenges globally, including complex contractual arrangements. Deloitte Legal’s experienced advisers bring a practical focus and can help clients meet these challenges and develop commercial solutions. We are used to working together as part of cross-border teams to serve the needs of global clients but we are also very much tuned-in to the local law and practice specifics. Our lawyers work as part of multi-disciplinary teams together with tax, consulting, risk, and financial advisory teams and sector specialists on a daily basis. This helps them bring a business perspective and ensure all relevant angles are covered.

Our services include:

Framework of supply-chain management and distribution networks

Our approach focuses on avoiding disputes and litigation by drafting and negotiating appropriate, unambiguous, and enforceable contracts.

Restructuring business functions and outsourcing

We help companies establish the flexible working relationships and effective contracts needed to be competitive in today's market.

Statutory and regulatory compliance

We offer a broad base of commercial business solutions. Our experience allows us to provide businesses facing complex legal regulations and challenges with cohesive, practical advice.

Dispute resolution, including business law litigation

We assist businesses with cross-border litigation by leveraging our global footprint, history with local authorities, and deep knowledge of the differences that can complicate the path to resolution.

Our contract work:

  • Drafting
  • Analysis
  • Negotiation
  • Execution and completion formalities
  • Contracts management