
Global Trade Management survey

How can companies grow in an increasingly complex global trade environment?

This study on Global Trade Management (GTM) continues and deepens the important topic of future growth of Swiss consumer business and industrial companies that we started analysing in 2015 with our study Growth opportunities – Strategies for Swiss manufacturing companies.

Through a survey of Swiss CFOs with knowledge of global trade topics and through face-to-face interviews with global trade experts from the Swiss government and private sector, we have analysed a range of trade related issues including:

  • Global trade environment development
  • Challenges of protectionism and discriminatory interventions
  • Opportunities of free trade and liberalising intervention
  • Growth potential, best practices and benefits of Global Trade Management (GTM)

In addition, we have identified success factors for Swiss companies such as the need for an adequate organisational structure, simplified processes, the right people and appropriate technology platforms.

Global Trade Management survey

Summary and key findings

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