Digital transformation to "Industry 4.0" – Where does Switzerland stand?


Industry 4.0

Challenges and solutions for the digital transformation and use of exponential technologies

The Deloitte study discusses the key challenges and opportunities for Swiss industrial enterprises to master the digital transformation of the Swiss manufacturing industry.

Around the world, traditional manufacturing industry is in the throes of a digital transformation that is accelerated by exponentially growing technologies (e.g. intelligent robots, autonomous drones, sensors, 3D printing). Companies and their industrial processes need to adapt to this rapid change if they are not to be left behind by developments in their sector and by their competitors.

This networking within an ’internet of things, services, data and people’ will transform the future of manufacturing. Commentators use the term ’industry 4.0’ to refer to a fourth industrial revolution.

This study investigates the extent to which Swiss manufacturing companies have already positioned themselves in relation to this digital transformation and the opportunities the switch to ’industry 4.0’ offers them. 

Industry 4.0
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