Emerging technologies in Switzerland
Artificial intelligence, digital personalised health, robotics, advanced manufacturing and blockchain – these technologies are emerging in Switzerland and will influence the productivity and competiveness of the country in the future. Deloitte and Switzerland Global Enterprise have asked industry experts and leading companies about the latest trends, Switzerland’s position (as a business location), and its potential for improvement in these technology areas. In this series of interviews, we present one video on each technology over the next months. The page will be continuously updated with further videos until the series is complete.
Devon Krantz, CEO and Founder of the blockchain start-up Linum Labs, talks about why she chose Switzerland as a base for her company and how she sees the blockchain ecosystem in this country.
Fabienne Chevalier, Director of the Geneva Customer Innovation Centre at HPE Switzerland, and Anthony Palmieri, Chief Business Innovation Officer at HPE Switzerland, talk about the key components of Switzerland’s innovation landscape and emerging trends in advanced manufacturing.
Marina Bill, Global Head of Marketing and Sales at ABB Robotics and Discrete Automation, and Harald Lumetzberger, Local Business Line Manager Robotics at ABB Switzerland, talk about Switzerland as a business location for industrial robotics.
Patricia Gee, Director in Life Sciences at Deloitte Switzerland, talks about Switzerland as a business location for health care and life sciences as well as Deloitte’s 'Future of Health' initiative.
Prof. Marco Zaffalon, Scientific Director at IDSIA USI-SUPSI, talks about trends in artificial intelligence (AI) and Switzerland as an R&D hub for AI.
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