ifrs webcasts


Insurance IFRS 17 webcasts archive

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Guaranteed insurability: where is its “boundary”?

Published on 21 April 2023 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

The ninth episode in our series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts covers the determination of the contract boundary for contracts with guaranteed insurability.

In particular, this webcast covers a common scenario where the determination of the contract boundary is not straightforward, and judgement is necessary to conclude. Using a simplified fact pattern, we demonstrate how such judgment could be formed. The webcast also summarises Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they have emerged from our implementation work.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Guaranteed insurability: where is its “boundary”?

Agenda Decision Multi-currency Groups of Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17 and IAS 21)

Published on November 2022 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

This webcast is the eighth webcast in a series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts, which covers the IFRS Interpretation Committee's Agenda Decision (AD) on the accounting for a group of insurance contracts with cash flows in different currencies. The AD was approved by the IFRS Interpretations Committee for finalisation on 13 September 2022 and was discussed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) on 19 October 2022 with no objections on the publication of the AD.

In particular, the webcast covers the consideration of foreign exchange risks in the identification of portfolios of insurance contracts and the application of the interaction of IAS 21 and IFRS 17 requirements in measuring a group of contracts with multi-currency cash flows. The webcast uses a simple, but sufficiently comprehensive example to illustrate how the requirements in the AD play out. The webcast also summarises Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they have emerged from Deloitte implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Agenda Decision Multi-currency Groups of Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17 and IAS 21)

Cancellation rights, payment terms and coverage obligations
– How to handle IFRS 17 complexity efficiently

Published on October 2022 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

In the webcast covers how IFRS 17 requirements mandate the accounting of economic substance over any legal form. This overarching principle is particularly important when we consider cancellation right, payment terms and coverage obligations. IFRS 17 focusses on the economic bargain between the insurer and the policyholder. Often the legal form of a contract must be overridden to represent economic reality and in particular the time dimension of rights and obligations.

The webcast will also provide viewers with Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they emerged from our implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Cancellation rights, payment terms and coverage obligations – How to handle IFRS 17 complexity efficiently

Impact of cash flow settlement arrangements in accounting for reinsurance contracts

Published on 14 April 2022 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

In the webcast covers the impact on the accounting for and presentation of reinsurance revenue and expenses for contracts with additional contractual amounts such as profit commissions that are settled net.

The webcast will also provide viewers with Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they emerged from our implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Impact of cash flow settlement arrangements in accounting for reinsurance contracts

Accounting for premium repayments

Published on 3 December 2021 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

This webcast is the fifth webcast in a series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts, which covers the requirements of IFRS 17 on premium repayments that do not meet the definition of non-distinct investment component (NDIC).

In the webcast, we cover the IFRS 17 requirements on the accounting for premium repayments that do not meet the definition of NDIC (e.g. refund of premiums, no-claim bonus and experience refund). These transactions are pervasive and there are different pieces of guidance in IFRS 17 that we bring together for you in this webcast. The webcast also provide viewers with Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they emerged from our implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Accounting for premium repayments

Contract boundary assessment for reinsurance contracts

Published on 4 November 2021 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

This webcast is the fourth webcast in a series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts, which covers the requirements of IFRS 17 on contract boundary assessment for reinsurance contracts.

In the webcast, we cover the IFRS 17 requirements on the contract boundary assessment for reinsurance contracts and highlight the importance of performing such assessment. We use simple examples to illustrate how to do the contract boundary assessment when there are cancellation clauses and repricing clauses included in the reinsurance contract. The webcast also provide viewers with Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they emerged from our implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Contract boundary assessment for reinsurance contracts

IFRS Insurance Webcasts

Complexity made simple: accounting for reinsurance protection for onerous contract groups

Published on 21 September 2021 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

This webcast is the second webcast in a series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts, which covers the requirements of IFRS 17 on the accounting for reinsurance loss recovery component.

In the webcast, we cover the IFRS 17 requirements on the accounting for the reinsurance loss recovery component. We use a simple example to explain how changes in the loss component from the underlying reinsured contracts trigger the accounting changes in the loss recovery component. The webcast also provides viewers with Deloitte's practical considerations on this topic as they emerged from our implementation work to date.

The webcast series delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covers Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

Complexity made simple: accounting for reinsurance protection for onerous contract

IFRS Insurance Webcasts

Impairment of assets for insurance acquisition cash

flowsPublished on 26 August 2021 | Francesco Nagari
Global IFRS Insurance Leader

This webcast is the first webcast in a series of on-demand IFRS 17 webcasts delivered by Francesco Nagari, Deloitte's Global IFRS Insurance Leader and Liza Gonzalo, IFRS 17 Director, covering Deloitte's insights on the application of IFRS 17 requirements and related technical accounting issues emerging from the various ongoing IFRS 17 implementation projects supported by Deloitte.

This webcast covers the requirements of IFRS 17 on insurance acquisition cash flows (IACF), with a focus on the two-level impairment test for an IACF asset.

In this webcast, a simple illustrative example is used to walk through the application of the IFRS 17 requirements on impairment of an IACF asset.  In addition, this webcast also includes a discussion of some of the practical considerations Deloitte has learned from our implementation work to date.

Impairment of assets for insurance acquisition cash flows

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