Outbound M&A tax planning for Chinese companies
2013 edition
With an ever-increasing number of Chinese enterprises engaging in business ventures abroad, China has rapidly emerged as a significant player in the overseas investment market. The heightening demand for expansion abroad from both state-owned enterprises and companies from the private sector follows close on the heels of rapidly growing economic power. Engaging in the outbound M&A market is undeniably a major shortcut to meeting this demand. Today's Chinese investors remain green in the international M&A market, with less experience than key international competitors. Complicated and unfamiliar international regulatory systems may leave many unaccustomed with such systems at a loss. In this context, a majority of the Chinese investors have jointly recognized the acute need for a thorough study of interrelated domestic and international policies prior to engagement. Only by understanding the cumulative effects of these relations can an integrated and concise M&A plan come to fruition. In discussing major M&A costs tax expense planning emerges as one of the chain's most integral links. Proactive tax planning is necessary to not only help companies minimize tax risks, but also improve operational efficacy. This in turn also serves to help promote the realization of a group's business goals.
This publication offers Chinese investors a key to understanding tax planning for outbound M&A. Also included is a discussion of fundamental approaches to common technical issues.
Download the sample pages or reach out to your Deloitte Tax professionals for further discussion.