德勤第26期年度足球财务报告重现两个熟悉的主题 – 以英超为首的欧洲顶级联赛的收入还在不断地强势增长,随着收入的提高,同样以英格兰俱乐部主导的欧洲顶级俱乐部抢占先机,在球员转会和工资方面提前加大投入。
我们在本期报告中也介绍了足球智能工具软件(Football Intelligence Tool),该软件能够为全球客户提供一个对标欧洲俱乐部的信息平台,目前众多英超俱乐部都在使用该平台,用来协助俱乐部的发展。同时我们也看到不仅英国,越来越多的其他国家客户开始使用该工具软件。
Click on a group countries to explore the data for that region
'Big five' European league clubs' revenues - 2015/16 (€m)
Note: Commerical revenue is not disaggregated into 'sponsorship' and 'other commerical' for clubs in England, Spain and Italy.
Source: Leagues; Deloitte analysis
'Big five' European league clubs' revenues and wage costs - 2014/15 and 2015/16 (€m)
Selected other European league clubs' revenues - 2015/16 (€m)
Note: This chart includes a sample of countries ranking below fifth in terms of average club revenues. Figures in respect of clubs in Sweden relate to the year to December 2015. Figures in respect of clubs in Denmark and Poland relate to the year to December 2016.
Premier League clubs' revenues - 2013/14 - 2017/18 (£m)
Values for 2016/17 and 2017/18 are projected
Source: Deloitte analysis
Premier League and Championship clubs' average revenues - 2015/16 (£m)
Note: UCL clubs comprised Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United. UEL clubs comprised Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur.
Source: Premier League; UEFA; Deloitte analysis.
Premier League clubs' revenues and wage costs - 2014/15 and 2015/16 (£m)
Source: Deloitte analysis.
Football League clubs' revenues - 2014/15 and 2015/16 (£m)
Source: Deloitte analysis.
Football League clubs' revenues and wage costs - 2014/15 and 2015/16 (£m)
Source: Deloitte analysis.
Premier League and Football League clubs' player transfer payments - 2015/16 (£m)
Note: The arrows represent the flow of payments, whilst the players transfer the opposite way. The estimated amount of fees in respect of the transfer of player registrations refer to amounts committed in 2015/16, rather than actual cashflows. The sources for the amounts in the chart relate to periods that are not necessarily coterminous.
Source: Premier League; Football League; Deloitte analysis.
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