
Crisis and Resilience

Navigate the unexpected and emerge stronger

Crisis and Resilience helps organizations assess and monitor risks that could cause crises, prevent and avoid crises when possible, and establish response plans for potential crises as well as intelligently design processes, standards and delivery of services to architect a robust organization and its technology services to be able to withstand operational stresses, cyber-attacks and constant change.

Deloitte’s Crisis Management services span the entire crisis lifecycle, helping clients identify, assess, prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from crises.


We offer:

  • Crisis Preparedness – We help organizations prepare for high-consequence events that have the potential to seriously disrupt operations, damage reputations, and destroy shareholder value. Specifically, we help clients identify and assess risks that pose significant threats to the business, prepare documented crisis plans and processes, create remediation activities resulting from tests of plans, as well as additional services targeted at organizational crisis readiness.
  • Crisis Response – We deploy experienced professionals to support organizations in crisis, particularly in the immediate aftermath of a major event. We augment the client’s crisis response team to assist with data-gathering and reporting to manage the demands of responding to events in real-time. Using our professional resources, or through partnerships with PR firms, clients receive advice and assistance with post-crisis communications, including help in navigating traditional and social media to pre-empt or respond to major reputation threats.
  • Crisis Recovery – We help organizations that have been through a crisis assess the effectiveness of their response and we provide advice as the organization looks to recover its reputation and seize new opportunities. Additionally, our work includes coordinating long-term recovery strategies such as claims management, compliance with policies and regulatory requirements, and improved media/public/government relations communications.

Stronger, fitter, better

This global report found that nearly 60 percent of the respondents believe their organizations face more crises today than ten years ago, with the vast majority of survey respondents saying their organizations have crisis management plans in place. However, our findings also suggest that much more needs to be done if companies are to avoid crises altogether, thereby allowing their primary focus to be on performance and growth.


A crisis of confidence

This global survey report examines the gap between real and perceived crisis readiness in the eyes of board members and the large companies they direct.

Deloitte named a leader in Reputational Risk & Crisis Management Consulting by ALM Intelligence

In the report entitled Reputation Risk & Crisis Management Consulting 2016, ALM Intelligence notes, “Operating in progressively complex, global markets with extended supply chains and cost pressures while under the intense spotlight of social media, regulators, shareholders and public interest groups, companies find themselves increasingly vulnerable to reputation and crisis risk.”