About us

We protect the environment we live in

In 2008, we decided to improve our general approach and launched a system supporting our commitment to environmental protection. Every new employee is informed about our environmental policy. We make every effort to behave in an environmentally-friendly manner both in our offices and at the client’s premises. It is natural to us to give attention to waste sorting, the saving of resources, regular emission controls of our company vehicles and operations. We constantly seek new opportunities for enhancing the environment we live in.

Since 2008 we have held the ISO 14001 certificate for environmental management.

Deloitte: An Environmentally-Friendly Organisation

We have moved into a modern and environmentally friendly building; Churchill I in Prague Vinohrady has become our new headquarters. The building makes use of modern green technologies such as energy recovery, intelligent air distribution, a lighting system that adapts to sunlight and irrigation of green spaces with rainwater, which is also used for flushing the toilets.

We encourage our employees to cycle to work: Lockable bike sheds or showers are available for our employees. Cycling is generally at the forefront of our attention as we organise an annual cycling event in which our clients also take part.

We seek cost-saving measures in our offices wherever possible: We have installed new water meters and water-saving shower jets for the more-efficient water management. We also seek to increase humidifiers efficiency and enhance air distribution in the building while reducing electricity consumption.

White vs. ecological paper: We only use white paper for printing final versions of documents for our clients. Draft documents are usually presented by means of modern technology rather than printed. However, if printing is necessary, we use recycled paper.

We sort waste in all Deloitte’s offices: Containers for plastics, paper and cardboard, glass, drink cartons, old batteries are located in our offices and we newly have a container for biodegradable waste as well. Our IT department also collects discarded electronics and ensures its ecological liquidation.

We raise awareness of environmental issues among our employees: We inform our employees on environmental trends, educate them by way of internal training courses and support activities in environmental protection that empower them to act. Our employees use laptops with lower energy consumption.

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