
Indirect tax analysis and recovery: There is a new and better way

Tax Operations

November 18 | 2:00 PM ET | 19:00 GMT

Host: Nathan Andrews, Partner - Deloitte Tax LLP
1 Intermediate CPE Credit | Specialized Knowledge & Applications

Use of entire data sets for indirect tax analysis and recovery projects can enhance outcomes. How can high-end data analytics technology facilitate this process? We'll discuss:

  • Potential opportunities for indirect tax analysis and recovery in major expenditure areas such as software development and purchases, IT activities, and certain services. 
  • Using advanced analytics tools and techniques to identify potential areas of erroneous tax payments, formulate a recovery plan, and isolate root causes of errors. 
  • Strategies for addressing root causes to improve, data, process, and technology. 
  • Using analytics post-improvements to monitor corrective actions in real time.

Learn how analytics can help stem indirect tax leakage, creating value across the enterprise.