
Трендови у области људских ресурса у 2015. години

Лидери у новој ери пословања

Стални изазови у пословању захтевају нову стратегију и лидере у области људских ресурса који брзо мисле и храбро доносе одлуке.

Трендови у области људских ресурса у 2015. години: Увод

Глобалне компаније данас послују у новим околностима, а то захтева значајне промене у стратегијама у односу на лидере, таленте и људске ресурсе. Више од 3 300 компанија из 106 земаља учествовало је у Deloitte-овом истраживању Глобални трендови у области људских ресурса у 2015. години.

Deloitte-ов извештај дефинише 10 трендова који су утицали на природу пословања и начин на који компаније приступају управљању талентима. 


Human Capital Trends interactive dashboard

This powerful tool allows you to respond to this year’s 10 trends, establish a baseline for your current HC function, and compare your organization’s responses to the responses from this year’s sample of over 7,000 companies.

How it works

Use the dashboard to rate each trend in terms of its importance to your organization and your organization’s readiness to respond to it. You can also establish a baseline for the current state of your HC function and use the dashboard to specify the companies from this year’s sample you would like to compare your responses to, based on global region, country, organization size, and industry.

You can modify your responses and comparison samples as many times as you like, comparing your organization to similar organizations or to organizations in different geographies or industries, or of different sizes.

Explore the report and infographic

Register for the Global HC Trends 2016 MOOC

Created in collaboration with Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies.

Global Human Capital Trends library

Explore years of trends that helped shape the current HR and talent landscape

Deloitte has been conducting and compiling global research into human capital trends since 2012—a body of work that represents some of the longest-running and most comprehensive study of HR, talent, and related technology topics ever conducted. Exploring past trend reports gives insight into the ongoing and emerging forces shaping the world of work.

Global Human Capital Trends in action

How, where, and even why we work is changing. How well is your organization positioned to excel today and be ready for tomorrow? Deloitte can help.

Meet the forces of change head-on

Deloitte offers a broad range of solutions to help your organization not only respond to today’s human capital trends but also stay ahead of tomorrow’s.

Human Capital
Today’s business challenges present a new wave of HR, talent and organization priorities. Deloitte’s Human Capital services leverage research, analytics and industry insights to help design and execute critical programs from business driven HR to innovative talent, leadership and change programs.

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