
Asset information management

Cracking the code

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Large-scale infrastructure companies like electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications, are the cornerstone of socio-economic development. Their growing multifunctional and digital dimensions and the ability to cope with new energy policy objectives like reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, necessitates access to the right information at the right time. They also need to learn to handle the new-age eager customer participation, align with new business models, and replace aging infrastructure faster.

To achieve this and change the way of doing business, asset information management is crucial. In their journey of becoming an insight driven organization (IDO), the key challenge faced by infrastructure companies today is combining historical and newly generated data and managing its abundance.

This report examines important aspects like new ways of capturing data, gaining insights into current data quality levels etc. It also offers insights on how infrastructure companies can deal with new data and some tips and tricks to assist asset information managers.

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Deloitte recognizes that asset management is not about fixing an immediate problem, rather it’s about driving long-term value for businesses and society. If you wish to examine your organization’s asset management security, participate in our Asset Information Management Maturity assessment.

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