
Training Agile/Scrum – Response to Change

Agile methods represent a proven way of business transformation; at the same time, they support innovation and accelerate profitability growth. However, such a transformation of a traditional organization model requires significant changes. Do you know how to effectively introduce agile methods in your business and what challenges may arise during this journey?

After the training course, you will better understand the key values and principles that are essential for the agile approach. We will focus on the SCRUM framework and its fundamentals to explain how this approach increases the flexibility and efficiency of your business.

Training Agile/Scrum

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What will you learn? 

  • You will learn about the agile methodology’s key concepts;
  • You will get to know the basics of the SCRUM methodology; we will show you some practical examples (roles, ceremonies, artefacts, etc.);
  • Our experienced consultants will share their tips based on the proven agile practices of Deloitte.

What can you expect?

  • You will learn the fundamentals of the agile methodology;
  • You will find out what an agile manifesto is and how to set agile goals;
  • We will highlight the differences between agile and waterfall project management;
  • You will get acquainted with the basics and key elements of SCRUM;
  • You will learn the principles of definition and subsequent use of various artefacts within agile and SCRUM methodologies (product backlog, sprint backlog, iteration, burn-down charts, etc.);
  • You will learn how to set up and manage SCRUM ceremonies (backlog planning, sprint planning, daily meeting, sprint review and retrospective)

When & Where?

Find all scheduled trainings with additional information regarding registration, dates, timing & price on our Deloitte Academy website or let us know if you are interested in individual workshop for your organization.


All of the courses are led by our team of agile experts, with the broad practical experience from agile projects across various industries.

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Jakub Höll

Jakub Höll


Jakub leads the Operational Risk Team at the Risk Advisory department, Deloitte Czech Republic. He focuses on project management, agile and digital transformations of companies, data privacy and gover... More