Industry 4.0 is gaining more and more importance. Companies have to expand their digital strategies to be successful in the market in the medium- and long-term. The Deloitte Digital factory offers solutions how to measure its impact systematically, starting from a data bank with over 280 application examples.
Although the digitalization provides a huge potential for firms, it is far from being exhausted. Often there is already a lack in terms of a digital vision and quantified objectives resulting from in-depth analysis. Furthermore, many firms remain at their current digital level without achieving integrated solutions. Nevertheless, CFOs want to raise investments in the digitalization and thus exert the pressure on managers.
The Deloitte Digital factory offers solutions how to measure this digital impact systematically. A decisive factor for the Digital Factory is the measurability of the value of Industry 4.0. Thereby Deloitte uses a data bank with over 280 application examples included. Besides simple process automation, Deloitte systematically analyzes complex topics like “Digital Twins” or “Collaboration Robots” to evolve solutions for each business unit. “Our clients rely on a sure evaluation due to numerous ‘Best Practices’. This enables us to create transparency regarding the benefits and costs of the digitalization. Because in the end this is crucial to successfully implement a digital transformation”, says Britta Mittlefehldt, Senior Manager within the Strategy & Operations division.
The Deloitte Digital Factory offers its clients holistic solutions to increase the efficiency of their supply chain functions such as development, procurement, logistics and planning and is the ideal place for firms to begin or promote their digital transformation. The aim is to evolve a customized strategy and roadmap, which optimize existing business models and create innovations.
This analysis is complemented by hands-on trainings and workshops with implemented use cases from different industry areas that allow clients to earn valuable and strategic insights. Such use cases range from integrated product development up to Manufacturing 4.0 and predictive maintenance. Participants are able to experience new technologies hands-on and analyze their impact for example by using Augmented Reality glasses to build a digital assembly line or provide real time support without being present.
If you would like to find out more, please click here or visit the Digital Factory and experience how digitalization comes to life.
Andreas Staffen verantwortet das Offering IoT and IT Architecture (Smart Manufacturing) für Deutschland und gestaltet die Digitalisierung der Supply Chain seit 2004. Dabei begleitet er deutsche, europäische und globale Unternehmen bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung schlanker und integrierter IT Architekturen für die Entwicklung und Produktion. Durch die Umsetzung des Industrie 4.0 Gedanken in der Deloitte Digital Factory werden die Auswirkungen auf die Geschäftsmodelle unserer Kunden erlebbar und die weitere Gestaltung einfacher realisierbar.
Florian Ploner is Consulting Partner in Technology Strategy & Transformation. For more than 20 years he has been advising his clients from industry and technology in Europe, America and Asia on global transformation programs. Florian is a proven expert in the areas of Global Delivery, Industry 4.0, Smart Factory and Go2Market. Florian leads a strategic global technology client and the Global Deliver Network for Consulting in Germany.