Credit Bulletin 1/2019


Credit Bulletin 1/2019

April 2019

The first Credit Bulletin 2019 contains a selection of Deloitte-publications with relevance to the credit business, securitisation, credit treasury, asset based finance, structured finance, DCM et al. Various articles are available in German and English, the articles from the international Deloitte-network are in English.


  • Blockchain in Securitisation and Credit Treasury
    The future starts now
  • Full steam ahead
    European loan sale markets
  • Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)
    Status quo and agenda 2019
  • Artificial Intelligence
    The next frontier in investment management
  • Out now
    Final EBA-Guidelines on STS Securitisation
  • Revolution im Finanzbereich
    Elektronische Schuldverschreibung im Anmarsch
  • The IBOR dilemma
    Basic principles for fallback language in EUR cash products
  • NPL-Regulierung von verschiedensten Seiten
    Überblick behalten im Dschungel
  • Enough capital & liquidity?
    Large European banks‘ ICAAP/ILAAP-status
  • Investment banking of the future
    Connected Flow – Differentiated Insights
  • Credit Bulletin 4/2018
    January 2019
  • Commercial Real Estate
    2019 Outlook
  • Better integrated EU financial markets
    A case for Securitisation
  • Are the goals of the capital markets union in jeopardy?
    EU Commission status update
  • Digital banking maturity
    The EMEA overview
  • New incentives for the European securitisation market proposed by ESA‘s
    Mitigation for derivatives in STS securitisations
  • Credit Risk Management
    Our advanced online course
  • Benchmark reform
    Call for market feedback re EONIA/ EURIBOR substitutes
  • FSB und ESMA 2019
    Arbeitsprogramme veröffentlicht
  • Brexit
    Banks Beyond Day 1
  • Transparency as per EU Securitisation Regulation
    Soon part of Eurosystem collateral framework


Have a good read! We are looking forward to your remarks, comments and queries. Do not hesitate to contact us.

The previous versions of our Credit Bulletin are available here: