Welcome to


one place

to unlock

the best of SaaS

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Campfire is your own marketplace
to distribute SaaS solutions, APIs,
other artifacts.

Pick your place around CAMPfire.

Create New Business

Use the skills, talents and assets that already exist in your organization to drive growth across your business.

CAMPfire is the perfect place to make new acquaintances. There are countless potential customers and applications for your software products that you may have never even considered – and the only way to find is them is to start networking with industries outside your core customer base. Don’t worry, you won’t have to look far – you can meet them right here!

Encourage and empower talent within your enterprise, open the door to new players in the ecosystem and build something beautiful together.

Think of the richness of talent in your company that you might not even be aware of. Now imagine what you could achieve if internal and external developers had a secure environment to work and innovate with your assets as a basis. The place is CAMPfire, and the time is now.

Drive Change

Create a culture of product-centered thinking to solve problems and prioritize customers.

Employees. Management. Partners. Customers. They are all a vital part of your universe, even as they are focused on their own tasks and goals. But what if there were an easy way for them to collaborate with each other? What if, by simply enhancing your visibility and establishing a secure platform for exchange, they could not only find common ground but also improve their day-to-day work, their overall performance and their happiness? Bring them on down to the CAMPfire.

Open up your company to collaboration and tear down the walls that keep everyone working in isolation.

CAMPfire is so much more than just a marketplace. It is not only designed for promoting, selling and trading – it is also the perfect collaborative platform. This is where all the puzzle pieces come together to form a big picture that is much stronger than the sum of its parts. The skills of one enhance another, and when combined they create entirely new opportunities.

Streamline operations

Put an end to redundancy by making the entire software development lifecycle more transparent.

Being efficient starts with knowing exactly what resources you have to work with and finding the best partners to help you make the most of those resources. The picture gets sharper the closer you are to the CAMPfire. You can open the door to a whole new world of untapped resources, talent and assets when you implement our standardized process for increasing and ensuring quality, making better decisions and reducing time to market.

A global operating model for governance, financial and legal that is water-tight and compliant

Complexity can be daunting. So daunting that we sometimes stop looking for the best solution, because we are so busy trying to find any solution at all. The only way to turn complexity into smart, decisive action is to tackle it together. With CAMPfire, everyone has a seat at the table, every voice is heard, and what was once mangled quickly becomes manageable.

Develop applications

Step up your application landscape and make a giant leap for today and tomorrow’s business.

Safety is at the very heart of human needs – and the same is true for companies. There are endless conditions, rules and regulations in the software development space that vary depending on the jurisdiction. CAMPfire standardizes software development workflows and ensures continuous compliance in a secure cloud environment.

Unleash the power of cloud-first application development.

They say you can’t have everything in business, but we’d like to challenge that. So, how can a platform be secure yet inclusive, shielded yet inspiring, protected yet open? CAMPfire can be all these things put together, thanks to our managed services and microservices architecture that promotes modern software development and ensures scalability.


CAMPfire offers an enterprise marketplace for Software as a Service.

What is CAMPfire about?

We provide the infrastructure you need for end-to-end distribution and monetization of the software assets within your enterprise.

Software Owner


  • Onboard your SaaS/API
  • Manage your content
  • Manage contract templates and pricing
Asset owner hub
1 shapes

Software Buyer


  • Find SaaS/API in a catalogue
  • Search & filter SaaS/API
  • Review asset details and assess fit of asset
Asset Storefront
2 shapes

Software Buyer


  • Choose your plan
  • Read and confirm asset specific terms/contracts
  • Purchase SaaS/API
Checkout Flow
3 shapes

Software Buyer


  • Manage purchases
  • Deploy SaaS/API
  • Provision internal and external users
Asset Management
4 shapes

Software Buyer


  • Report consumption
  • Assess dashboard
  • Integrate into enterprise reporting systems
Order History
5 shapes

Why CAMPfire?

Most multinational corporations develop software, algorithms and applications in isolated business units spread across the globe.

In many cases, geographical distance as well as technical, legal or tax hurdles are the obstacles standing in the way of distributing your software.

This is keeping these companies from creating a competitive edge by leveraging their own skills and talent.

How do we do it?

We combine your business needs with technology

  • User Experience
  • Pricing & Billing
  • Contract Management
  • User Provisioning
  • Compliance
  • Meta Data
writing on whiteboard
  • Developer Experience
  • Reference Architectures
  • Development Standardization
  • Scale
  • Cloud
  • Infrastructure as Code
touching screen

How can CAMPfire help?

What’s your starting point?
As an organization you want to…

monetize digital assets
between divisions, subsidiaries, ecosystem players!

CAMPfire enables you to seamlessly buy and sell digital assets (apps, APIs, data sets, etc.) inside or outside your enterprise, ensuring that revenues are allocated accordingly.

distribute applications
seamlessly across the globe!

The CAMPfire platform allows you to share software solutions among development teams and end users – and it is easy to access and useable on click.

connect with the ecosystem
to innovate.

CAMPfire enables you to present your innovation or data assets to the outside world, letting others collaborate and innovate with you and creating shared value.

unlock efficiencies
through transparency.

CAMPfire offers you a centralized and searchable go-to hub where users can find a complete overview of all available digital assets – both internally and externally.

create a data catalog
to manage and share data globally!

CAMPfire helps you manage access and share data across your organization, providing a centralized overview of all available datasets.

We got you covered!

CAMPfire let your developers focus on one thing: developing something great. We take care of the rest to make it scale. Click on the rings to learn more.

Software Solution

provided by your teams
  • Business logic
  • AI Model
  • Container
  • API
  • Application

Product POC

provided by CAMPfire
Runtime environment
  • Cloud (e.g. GCP):
  • Virtual Machine
  • E.g. CloudRun
  • Kubernetes
  • On Premise
  • On Device

Product MVP

provided by CAMPfire
Access Management
  • Security / Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities
  • Reverse Proxy (Gateway)
  • API Management
  • JWT
  • User provisioning & management
  • Authentication
  • Identification

Product sellable in scalable fashion

provided by CAMPfire
Measure to bill
  • Link business model and product
  • Product-specific pricing (fixed and consumption)
  • Measure consumption e.g. API Calls
  • Measure of load e.g. GB, CPU, time
  • Produce billing line items

Product marketable in a marketable fashion

provided by CAMPfire
Book the SaaS
  • Storefront / Catalog
  • Fast and on-spot access for internal and external clients
  • Information and all details about the software incl. pricing
  • Filter and search
  • Check-out process
  • Click & deploy

Interested? Let's talk.

hands form a circle

Would you like to learn more about our product or request a demo? Please reach out. We are happy to help you.