
In-Memory Computing technology

The holy grail of analytics?

"In-Memory Computing promises a massive gain in speed."

The latest industry perception clearly indicates a strong trend towards the adoption of In-Memory Computing (IMC). Results from a recent Deloitte survey among German CIOs and IT executives show that the concept of IMC is well known but productive use is still limited to innovators. The early majority of industry players are at the stage of running a pilot scheme or close to running a pilot scheme.

However, most industry players have not yet decided whether IMC is hype or not and are taking a wait-and-see approach.

The study provides evidence that especially those organizations that do not already utilize IMC tend to underestimate the implementation effort, after technological choice and integration. Likewise these organizations seem to have not yet grasped the full potential of IMC.

The study results support the Deloitte view on In-Memory Computing: IMC amalgamates innovative technology with innovative business processes and applications.

Therefore, In-Memory Computing is the future of computing and consequently will make its way into businesses to help utilizing sustainable competitive advantages with its performance, process innovation, IT architecture simplification, and flexibility.

Key findings

Overall, the survey results emphasize two key findings:

  • Especially during the decision-making phase organizations tend to underestimate the effort that needs to be made after choosing the technology
  • The potential for reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) is largely underestimated.

Summing up, IMC is the future of computing but requires a clear strategy for all steps from evaluation to implementation. This includes, but is not limited to, the identification and evaluation of opportunities for the utilization of IMC, business case development, management of the implementation as well as learning and change management for pilot schemes and rollouts.

If organizations keep this in mind and follow a clear and well worked-out strategy, In-Memory Computing offers a massive potential not only in TCO reduction but across all four value dimensions: performance, process innovation, simplification, and flexibility.