Deloitte Private Equity has a dedicated focus on private equity managers, investment funds and private equity-backed companies. We have gathered the strongest skills within transaction services, development of financial functions and the CFO role, tax and audit in one collaborating team. In addition, we work with substantial industry knowledge.
We serve the key private equity houses in both the Danish and the global market by providing a holistic partnership with services that stretch throughout the entire private equity life cycle.
Creating value
Our team will meet your operational as well as strategic challenges and thereby improve the value of the portfolio company.
Insight knowledge generates concrete value, and we know how extremely important that issue is for you – especially as an investment fund manager. We aim to provide relevant leads based on our deep market knowledge.
One point of contact
You will get a one-point-of-contact at Deloitte ready to give swift advice about your specific issues. We pass on portfolio company knowledge from one phase in the private equity life cycle to another in order for you to save time and increase value.
We know how to shape our services after your mould, and our consultants and advisory skills cover the lion’s share of your needs.
Trust is the cornerstone of our work, and we base our private equity partnerships on deep trust. The Deloitte way constitutes professionalism, orderliness and dedication.
As a financial market leader, Deloitte has extensive knowledge of and experience with compliance. We know to which extent increasing regulatory pressure poses a challenge today for private equity funds as well as alternative investments funds. We approach these regulatory issues from an operational point of view and will make sure that you are one step ahead as to the regulatory agenda.
When it comes to compliance, we identify which actions you need to take to remain compliant. Our approach is practical and we start out by performing a gap analysis to prioritise action points and identify new policies and procedures.
Both domestic and European regulatory pressure is increasing, and the need to become compliant is apparent. The Deloitte Private Equity team of specialists will help you establish your organisation’s regulatory needs, and your compliance will be safe in our hands.
Do you need assistance or simply a non-committal meeting. Please feel free to contact one of our experts.
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