Sustainabilty & Resilience


The future is sustainable. We help clients transform their business, creating more resilient and valuable companies and shaping a more sustainable future for all.


We provide a range of sustainability-related services focusing on climate change, sustainable finance and circular economy. Our team delivers sustainability and climate-led business strategies, climate risk assessments and planning, ESG reporting and assurance, responsible supply chain management, human rights assessments, climate accounting, sustainable reputation management, and much more.

  • Climate: Insufficient handling of climate issues due to a more direct and visible physical impact, continuous flow of announcements from regulators, banks and investors, and a growing number of organisations committed to net-zero. Clients need support understanding their risk exposure, scenario planning and stress testing, and developing climate-led strategies and innovation, low-carbon operating models and climate-related analytics and reporting.

  • Sustainable Supply Chain: Many organisations experience a need for developing more responsible and resilient supply chains due to the risk of climate-related disruptions, an increasing market demand for transparency, and ethical sourcing, and for protecting human and labor rights, environmental stewardship, and beyond. Clients need support understanding risks; improving supplier engagement/monitoring/performance, product traceability, and assurance; and designing and implementing new, more sustainability-based value chains and reporting.

  • ESG Integration and Disclosure: Many organisations are faced with the need for better ESG integration, reporting, and disclosure, as it relates to corporate purpose, full integration in lending, corporate and investment activities, and compliance. Clients need support with data integration, internal and external assurance and net carbon statements.

Our offerings

Based on a deep technical expertise and vast knowledge of the sustainability field, we help clients with the following:

Understand your local and global impact

We provide guidance to organisations on climate-related issues, including climate accounting and reporting based on Green House Gas Protocol (GHP Protocol), ISO 14064-1, and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Furthermore, we assist clients in developing tailored climate strategies and optimising business models to prepare for future disruptions as a result of climate change.

Structure your sustainability efforts

We assist organisations in developing sustainability reporting to clearly reflect strategic objectives and communicate on sustainability opportunities, risks, initiatives, targets, and progress in compliance with the Danish Financial Statements Act and recognised reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative, UN Global Compact, SBT, TCFD, ESG key figures, etc. We specialise in providing assurance on sustainability reports with the aim of ensuring that the data and content disclosed are reliable and representative.

Integrate sustainability in investment decisions

We help our clients incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions to enable more effective management and valuation of natural capital and ecosystem services, and to drive tangible economic value and a more positive environmental and societal impact in the financial sector. We futhermore assist organisations in conducting ESG due diligence of potential suppliers and business partners.

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Integrate sustainability in business strategy

We help clients map their most significant sustainability risks and opportunitites in order to develop a tailored sustainability strategy closely connected to the overall business strategy and brand positioning, anchored in the organisation's business impact and stakeholder expectations.

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Promote a diverse and inclusive organisation

We help organisations with a wide range of services to better understand and address sexism and other types of inappropriate behavior in the workplace. We have the breadth, depth, and international experience to assist our clients in identifying gaps and defining future actions, both in the short and the long term.

Ensure a responsible supply chain

Due to a variety of internal and external factors, businesses are facing an urgent need to transform their supply chain demonstrating responsibility. We help clients redesign their entire supply chain eco system, leveraging data, technology, partnership models, operational excellence, and best practice governance allowing them to act and communicate responsibly throughout their supply chain. Our solutions span the entire value chain of a product, from raw materials to the finished goods and end of life. We help clients to understand how to identify, mitigate, and adapt to a wide range of risks in their value chains. It is not just about managing risk – it is also about getting the benefit of better value chain management.

Increased focus on data ethics

Data ethics is a rapidly growing agenda. Starting from 2020, larger companies in Denmark (reporting class C and D) are required by law to disclouse their data ethics policy as part of their annual report. This means that companies going forward must be able to explain how they work to ensure data ethics. Here Deloitte can assist clients with the development of a data ethics policy, as well as the development and implementation of supporting activities.

Why Deloitte?

Global market leader

Deloitte has more than 300.000 employees working from across the globe. We are recognized as a global market leader within various risk areas – e.g. within cyber risk.

Dedicated specialists

We have a deep functional expertise within the various risk areas and the relevant sectors. We have considerable insight into the solutions successfully implemented at comparable companies and can therefore quickly identify the right solutions for you.

We work globally

As a starting point, we at Deloitte work in an integrated manner across borders. We mobilize employees all over the world depending on the required skills and the geography that needs to be uncovered.

Digital front runner

Our employees are leaders in the latest technology solutions. We use the latest technological opportunities in our solution design and are experienced in implementing technologies.

Reach out

Helena Barton

Partner I Climate & Sustainability Leader in Deloitte North and South Europe I Sustainable Finance and Investments Lead

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