17 Jan.

Deloitte Legal Webcast "Legal Update #01/2024"

Navigating cyber threats: Detect, respond and secure

Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.  CET
Event language: Deutsch

Wednesday, 17 January 2024 | 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.



The increasing interconnectedness of our world, the ever-growing volumes of data and the ever more comprehensive use of digital technologies across the entire value chain are expanding the attack surfaces for cyber threats. Recent media reports show that the threat is real

In our webcast, we will explain the significance of cyber risks for companies, how companies can respond to the threat situation and what needs to be considered when developing defense strategies. 

At the beginning of our webcast, Mr. Helmut Brechtken (Partner in Financial Advisory/Forensic Technology and Head of Digital Forensic Incident Response at Deloitte) will share an insight into current attack scenarios and their typical impact on companies. In particular, he will demonstrate the serious consequences and after-effects that cybercrime attacks (such as ransomware, bank data fraud, APTs such as "EMOTET", etc.) can have - and the typical behavioral patterns on the part of the attacker and the attacked party and their potential impact.  

Ms. Nikola Werry (lawyer and partner in the Digital Law service line at Deloitte Legal) will then illustrate the legal aspects of dealing with cyber attacks. Her presentation will be based on Deloitte's Respond - Recover - Thrive logic and will illustrate how companies can and should react in the event of a crisis caused by a cyber attack.  

Finally, Mr. Frank Fischer (lawyer and partner in the Legal Financial Services practice and Head of Insurance at Deloitte Legal) will explain how and in what form the risk associated with cyber threats can be mitigated through appropriate insurance cover. During his presentation, he will not only discuss which aspects require special attention when taking out cyber insurance, but also show how claims under insurance contracts can be successfully asserted and enforced.  

Use this opportunity to learn about the latest trends and best practices in cyber security. Your knowledge and commitment are critical to protecting your organization from cyber threats.  

Following the presentations, the speakers will of course also be available for an in-depth Q&A.  

You are welcome to submit your questions for the Q&A section when you register. 


Register here for our Webcast in german language


Webcast in German language – please feel free to contact our experts for explanations in English language. 

For organizational questions, please contact

Madeleine A. Thrun

Tel: +49 211 87724645
E-Mail: athrun@deloitte.de

Your Contact

Nikola A. F. Werry, LL.M. (UK)

Nikola A. F. Werry, LL.M. (UK)

Partner | Digital Law

Nikola Werry joined Deloitte Legal in Frankfurt am Main in October 2021. She is Partner and a member of the service line Digital Law. Niko's professional focus is on data and data protection law and legal issues relating to digitization. She has broad experience in supporting and advising national and international companies on aspects related to the legally compliant conception and implementation of digital products, strategies and business models. Due to her market experience as well as her expertise in leading multidisciplinary teams in the context of complex projects, Niko not only supports her clients in dealing with the legal challenges of a project, but also advises them on coping with the numerous organizational, economic and procedural challenges they face during the course of a project. Niko regularly gives talks, workshops and webinars on various topics in the field of digitization and regularly publishes articles. She is also editor and author of the handbook "Datenrecht in der Digitalisierung" (Data Law in Digitization), which defines data law in its individual facets for the first time in the German market. In addition, Niko is the founder of a professional network for data law and digitization and a board member of the Research Center for Legal Issues of New Technologies and Data Law (ForTech) at the University of Bonn. She is listed among the "Ones to Watch in Germany 2024" in the ranking of the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers in the area of Data Security and Privacy Law. Niko speaks German and English.

Helmut Brechtken

Helmut Brechtken

Partner | Head of Digital Forensic Incident Response (DFIR)

Helmut Brechtken ist Partner im Bereich Financial Advisory / Forensic Technology von Deloitte in Deutschland. Als Head of Digital Forensic Incident Response (DFIR) ist er verantwortlich für Projekte zur forensischen Aufklärung von Cybercrime-Attacken (wie Ransomware, Bankdatenbetrug, APT wie „EMOTET“ etc.) und hat hierin eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen aller Branchen beraten. Zudem berät er Mandanten zur Cyber-Security Prävention und der Einführung von ISMS. Er verfügt über Erfahrung bei der Durchführung von komplexen eDiscovery-Verfahren im Rahmen forensischer Sonderuntersuchungen, SEC- oder DoJ-Investigations, FCPA oder UK Bribery Act, Kartellverfahren oder anderer rechtlicher Verfahren in nationalen und internationalen Investigations.

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Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 11:00 a.m. CET
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