5 Feb.

Deloitte Legal Webcast "Legal Update #02/2025"

Case Study Outsourcing of pension liabilities 2025

Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.  CET | 45 min
Event language: Deutsch

Wednesday, 05. February 2025 | 11:00 - 11:45 Uhr


The strategic direction in dealing with pension obligations is currently on the agenda at many companies.  In particular, in the case of company pension schemes in the implementation paths of direct commitment (Direktzusage) and provident fund (Unterstützungskasse), there continues to be a trend towards outsourcing of such pension commitments. The reasons for this are varied: In addition to the control of interest rate and inflation risks through appropriate investment and optimizing administrative processes, the impact on transactions often plays a significant role.

In the webcast, we use a case study to discuss the typical decision-making considerations, challenges and options for implementing outsourcing in the current economic and legal environment.

The main topics are:

  • Outsourcing of pension obligations in 2025: Strategic and operational considerations
  • Options in 2025: (Financial) economic parameters and legal implementation
  • Labour law framework and tax implications

Our experts Jan Niebuhr und Stefan Jesgarz (Deloitte Consulting) and Dr. Lars Hinrichs and Elisa Ultsch (Deloitte Legal) will guide through the webcast.

You are welcome to ask your questions for the Q&A part already during your registration.


Register here for our Webcast.


Webcast in German language – please feel free to contact our experts for explanations in English language. 

For organizational questions, please contact

Sabine Sander-Schweden

Tel: +49 403 7853 831 
E-Mail: ssander-schweden@deloitte.de


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Wednesday, 5 Feb 2025 11:00 a.m. CET
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