Gartner has recognized Deloitte as a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud IT Transformation Services, positioning furthest for Completeness of Vision. Deloitte has previously been identified as a Leader in this space, including in last year’s report.
“We are absolutely delighted and proud to be recognized by Gartner as the leader in their annual Public Cloud IT Transformation Services magic quadrant – for the third year running. One of the main criteria is for the provider to deliver positive business impacts born from IT transformation – be it from improved revenue, margin, customer satisfaction or retention. Our northern star is to combine deep industry insights with world class cloud capabilities to deliver our clients unique business value. We wouldn’t have it any other way”, says Jaakko Kontiainen, Director of Cloud Transformation in Finland.
Being a generative provider | Deloitte sees customer opportunities as transformative relationships in which it delivers incremental value over time
Having a strong global presence | Global clients should take advantage of Deloitte’s experience and expertise handling regional business nuances during their cloud transformation journey
Business outcome contracting | Deloitte is one of the few vendors featured in this research that ties contractual terms to business outcomes for multiple clients
“While others bet on the future, we build it. Every day, we draw on our vast experience, unmatched resources and network of alliance relationships to engineer advantage and support our clients in shaping their business futures,” says Chris Thomas, principal and US Cloud Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP.
“We believe that this recognition from Gartner underscores the impact of our global presence, strategic client investments and considerable advisory capabilities. These attributes, combined with our industry depth and use of transformative technologies like generative AI, position Deloitte at the forefront of innovation.”
Deloitte further believes that this positioning is due to its knowledge sharing with clients; emphasis on strategy and innovation; ability to modernize legacy applications; and robust set of tools and other assets to automate, optimize and provide continual oversight of cloud operations.
Jaakko Kontiainen vastaa Deloitte Suomen konsultoinnissa pilvitransformaatioliiketoiminnasta. Hän auttaa liiketoiminta- ja teknologiajohtajia suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan muutoshankkeita, joissa julkipilvi on keskeinen mahdollistaja. Jaakolla on laajaa kokemusta julkipilven hyödyntämisestä ja keskeisten julkipilven toimittajien kanssa toimimisesta. Jaakon portfolioon kuuluvat julkipilven liiketoimintavetoiset muutoshankkeet, pilven mahdollistama digitalisaatio, julkipilven hankinta ja kustannusoptimointi sekä julkipilvi yritysjärjestelyissä. Briefly in English: Jaakko Kontiainen leads cloud transformation offering in the Deloitte Finland Technology Strategy & Transformations Consulting. He advises technology and business leaders to plan and execute public cloud enabled transformation programs. Jaakko has extensive experience on leveraging public cloud in transformations and working with the leading public cloud providers. Jaakko’s offerings cover public cloud transformation, cloud driven digitalization, public cloud sourcing and cost optimisation as well as public cloud in M&A.