5 Mar.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends

Friday, 03:00 p.m.  EET

Human Capital



Yiorgos Fragkos, Partner, Human Capital Leader

Angeliki Christofidou, Specialist Director, Human Capital 

Sylvia Iliopoulou, Assistant Manager, Human Capital





In today’s world of perpetual disruption, it’s time for organizations to shift their focus – from a survival mindset to a thrive mindset. 

Explore the journey from survive to thrive in Deloitte’s 2021 Global Human Capital Trends Webinar, on Friday, 5 March 2021, 15.00 - 16.30.

Our Specialists, Yiorgos Fragkos, Partner, Human Capital Leader, Angeliki Christofidou, Specialist Director Human Capital and Sylvia Iliopoulou, Assistant Manager Human Capital, will discuss the Greek and the global findings of the Deloitte’s 2021 Human Capital Trends report and will focus on 5 key trends that shape the emerging “new normal” of work: 

• The evolution of Work-Life Balance: redefining well-being at work 

• Going Beyond Reskilling: Unleashing Workforce Potential through Passion

• The power of Superteams: Integrating Humans & Technology 

• The imperative of Workforce Insights: Setting new Directions 

• The need to Rearchitect Work: Design for a Disrupted World

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Friday, 5 Mar 2021 03:00 p.m. EET
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