22 Jun.

Join our unique event "National Climate Law | Challenges & Opportunities for the Greek Market & Economy"

In collaboration with ESG+ Stories


How much do we know about the new climate law?

How will it affect the businesses and the economy?

Find out all there is and be part of the discussion with Deloitte experts and market representatives on Wednesday, June 22, from 18:00 to 20:30 EET at our premises.


18:00 | Welcome Remarks

Katerina Ronga, Principal Risk Advisory, Sustainability & Climate Lead, Deloitte

18:10 - 18:25 | Opening Speech

A brief introduction on the National Climate Law

Petros Varelidis, General Secretary of Natural Environment and Water, Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Hellenic Republic

18:25 - 18:45 | Presentation

Novel realities & challenges under the new climate law | The Greek business landscape

Katerina Ronga, Principal Risk Advisory, Sustainability & Climate Lead, Deloitte

Constantina Batsari, Assistant Manager Risk Advisory, Sustainability & Climate, Deloitte

18:45 - 20:00 | Panel Discussion

Presentation of relevant challenges and opportunities and actions performed so far by leading Companies | Open Discussion

Panel Moderation: Faidra Mavrogiorgi, Owner of ESG+ Stories & Journalist

Stavroula Aggelopoulou, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Director at OTE Group of Companies

Helena Athoussaki, Head of ESG, Sustainability & Climate Change Motor Oil Group

Elli Panagiotopoulou, Communications & Corporate Affairs Director, Polygreen

Angelica Patrouba, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Director, Greece & Cyprus, Coca-Cola Hellenic

Dimitrios Dimopoulos Head of ESG at Piraeus Financial Holdings

Panagiotis Skiadas, Sustainability Senior Director, Viohalco

20:00 | Closing & Networking 

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Wednesday, 22 Jun 2022
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