
Tax Audit Services (TACT)

The scope of the tax audit is to certify a company's compliance with the applicable tax provisions though the performance of a special tax audit and the issuance of an annual Tax Compliance Report (also referred as “Tax Certificate”). The Tax Compliance Report concerns Societe Anonymes (“AE”), Limited Liability Companies (“ΕΠΕ”), Private Companies (“ΙΚΕ”) and branches of foreign corporations whose annual financial statements are subject to a statutory audit by individual Certified Auditors and audit firms.

The benefits for your business

Although according to the law the issuance of a Tax Compliance Report is optional, the whole tax auditing process may provide significant benefits for companies. 

✔️ The tax audit provides the opportunity to identify at an early stage tax risk areas that need to be properly managed so as to minimize future consequences. 

✔️ In a rapidly changing tax environment, the tax audit may provide additional security for both the company’s management and the professionals signing the company’s tax returns and having the responsibility for the company’s tax books. 

✔️ Our team, consisting of highly experienced tax professionals, keeps you abreast of the latest developments that may affect your business and is available to discuss with you any tax issues raised or concerns which may affect the Tax Compliance Report.

Deloitte Technological Solutions

Combining professionals with tax law and technological skills and using a leading data preparation and analysis platform, our team has developed a solution that automates time-intensive tasks, provides greater accuracy in identifying tax findings and creates audit-time savings in order to allow you and your staff to engage in activities that may add value to your business. 

With the use of tax analytics, data collected during the audit process may be presented in a comparative and comprehensive way that facilitates the company’s management to recognize areas of tax risks, detect unusual fluctuations, but also engage in tax planning based on the findings that have arisen during the tax audit.

Get in touch

Maria Trakadi

Maria Trakadi

Equity Partner, Tax & Legal Leader

Maria is an Equity Partner, the Tax & Legal Leader and a member of the Executive Committee. With more than 25 years of experience, she has been providing tax advisory services to Greek and multination... More