
Non-financial reporting - Report preparation support

Assistance in setting up the non-financial reporting process to ensure reliable and comprehensive non-financial reporting


Regardless the reason for preparing non-financial reports (regulation requirements, reporting transparency), there are numerous steps and people involved in whole process which need to be aligned and coordinated to get reliable and comprehensive non-financial reports. Many organizations are facing difficulties and lack of understanding within the organization concerning the purpose of reporting and reporting-related tasks.


Having extensive experience in assisting numerous companies in setting up proper processes of non-financial reporting, Deloitte developed its own metodology to optimise the reporting process and ensure reliable and comprehensive reporting.

The approach consists of several phases which can be fully or partialy supported by Deloitte experts, depending on and tailored to specific clients’ needs. It includes analysis of data used in the process, but also analysis of key roles and responsiblities of individuals playing a part in the process.

Main benefits for clients:

  • Reliable and comprehensive non-financial reporting alligned with financial and other information presented in the annual report of the company;
  • Timeliness, accuracy and availability of information;
  • Top-quality reporting process;
  • Effective resources utilization;
  • Better understanding of and higher commitment to the purpose of sustainable activities and internal reporting, within the organization;
  • A non-financial report represents the latest stage of the company’s sustainable activities, through which the company may make significant cost savings and improve its profits (energy, staff costs, financial costs, penalties and fines costs);
  • Compliance with regulations (Accounting Act, environment and labour regulations).