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2020 Global Automotive Consumer Study

Are consumers ready for disruptive automotive technology?

What automobile industry trends and disruptive technologies will drive the automotive industry in the year ahead? Explore the data and insights from the 11th year of Deloitte’s Global Automotive Consumer Study and discover how 35,000 consumers in 20 countries are feeling about autonomy, electric and connected vehicles, ride-sharing and more. Now available: new insights on European auto industry trends.

Trends in the automotive industry: Consumer interest in EVs accelerates while AVs stall

Deloitte recently surveyed more than 35,000 consumers from 20 countries to explore their opinions on emerging connected, autonomous, shared, and electrified automotive technologies. The 2020 Global Automotive Consumer Study provides insights into how consumer opinion about these disruptive technologies may impact the future of the automotive industry and where automakers are investing to bring these advanced features to market.

For more details on these emerging automotive industry trends, download the full report, or explore our European findings.

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2020 Global Automotive Consumer Study: Europe

New data from our 2020 Global Automotive Consumer Study: Europe explores consumer attitudes toward the advanced automotive technologies behind autonomous and connected vehicles. The European version of our global report on auto industry trends examines the survey responses of consumers from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. We share their feedback on everything from data privacy concerns for connected vehicles, to the price they’re willing to pay for advanced technology and safety features, to government certification of autonomous vehicles. Sit back and enjoy the read on automotive trends in Europe, download the full report.