

As One

Collective Leadership

As One is a pioneering approach to leadership that can give leaders greater control over the success of rolling out business strategies and conducting large scale transformation. It comprises an analytics-based methodology, a management discipline, and a suite of business resources designed to empower leaders to more effectively galvanize their people to work together to achieve organizational goals. Whether you are a leader deploying a new strategy, trying to get greater engagement to an existing strategy, dealing with organizational crisis or searching for ways to enhance organizational performance, As One is the answer. As One leverages the Deloitte member firm network’s significant investments, thought leadership, experiences, and insights into collective leadership to benefit their clients.

As One perspective

A new language for understanding how organizations achieve their goals

  • Rigorous but intuitive model of the factors that drive organizational success
  • Ability to link those factors to concrete steps organizations can take


As One diagnostic

A proprietary process that measures an organization’s potential to succeed through As One behavior.

  • Conduct a survey to assess an organization’s As One potential
  • Review and analyze assessment to identify areas for improvement


As One interventions

A customized strategic plan developed by member firms that helps organizations channel individual action into collective power.

  • Develop a tactical plan designed to achieve As One behavior
  • Implement plan by targeting key areas within the organization or deploy enterprise-wide to improve organizational performance


The As One service offering can help member firm clients unleash productivity, realize the full potential of their people, and inspire commitment to shared purpose. A collaborative journey—from goals to As One insight to As One interventions—focuses leaders on addressing that last harbor of risk: “Are my people willing and able to perform the core tasks required to achieve our organization’s goals?”