Jakarta’s Smart City vision


Jakarta’s Smart City vision

A megacity on a mission 

A GovLab report

The capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, has one of the highest rates of urbanisation in the world and possesses one of the highest incomes per capita in the country. But while urbanisation can be economically desirable, it also presents its own unique host of challenges. With the rapid population influx, Jakarta will need to become more adept and efficient at delivering public services, solving traffic congestion problems, managing waste and pollution, and ensuring citizen health and safety – all while attempting to build a cohesive, participative community.

It is a daunting task. Nevertheless, the integrated use of information and communication technology across all domains of the public sector has the potential to enable Jakarta to do more with less, and to enhance living standards while generating economic prosperity. In short, Jakarta will need to become a Smart City.

With the next decade likely to herald a new generation of urban citizens, a global populace that emphasises – if not demands – Smart solutions in every aspect of their lives, meeting these expectations of a Smart City will require leveraging traditional and modern enablers to fuel sustainable economic development, that is, the ability to achieve the desired standards of living while ensuring responsible management of natural resources.

In this publication, we explore ways to accelerate Jakarta’s momentum in its Smart City journey. While the city has achieved significant progress in some areas, a number of key gap areas remain. With the effective and seamless implementation of the right solution themes identified in this study, these gaps may well form valuable stepping stones on Jakarta's journey towards becoming a Smart City.

Download this brochure for a summary of the report.

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Jakarta’s Smart City vision
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