
Third Party Risk Management

The challenge of third party risk management

Managing the risks posed by the large network of third-parties associated with a company is becoming increasingly complex. How could the lack of appropriate controls within your third- party network impact your business? How does the financial health or cyber hygiene of your third parties effect your decisions on maintaining those relationships?

To be recognized as a responsible business it's essential to have strong governance and oversight on your extended enterprise. This includes visibility and influence over supply chain continuity, regulatory, cyber, data privacy and other material third party risks.

Deloitte's Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) managed service solution can help your firm identify, assess and manage risks posed by the interconnected network of third party relationships. The solution enables greater control of risk and opportunities, and improves visibility and performance over your third-parties in risk areas such as resiliency, sustainability, ESG (environment, social & governance), financial crime and more.

Client Case Studies

Streamline your third party risk management with our managed service

Launch your Third party Risk Management program in 30 days

Need a tactical third party risk assessment solution in place quickly? This package is a short-term commitment that empowers
businesses to take insightful action to reduce third party risk, without a complex implementation.

If you want to accelerate onboarding and access assessment results rapidly, we can set up your end-to-end service in weeks. This entry-level solution provides automated background screenings, third party questionnaires across a variety of risk areas, remote assessments and real-time monitoring of third-parties.

Our proven track record in third party risk management

Our Solution

If you require a technology-enabled solution then we can provide our end-to-end technology platform to serve as an interface for our manage services, so that you receive streamlined end-to-end support.

Our proprietary platform combines mobile data-collection, performance improvement tools and mobile-optimized dashboards to deliver insights for effective risk management. Alternatively, we can also explore options to provide our services to you leveraging technology platforms that you already own.


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Partner, Audit & Assurance, Deloitte Southeast Asia

Budiyanto is an Audit & Assurance Partner in Deloitte Southeast Asia. He has more than 25 years of working experience in financial audit and risk advisory services. His areas of expertise including In... More

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