Final BEPS action plans released has been saved
Final BEPS action plans released
Deloitte perspective on the final reports and explanatory statement published by the OECD on 5 October 2015.
On 5 October 2015, the OECD published 13 final reports and an explanatory statement outlining consensus actions under the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project. It is now for governments to digest and introduce the necessary legislation. The final reports consolidate the first seven reports welcomed by the G20 Leaders at the Brisbane Summit in 2014 and the final package was endorsed by G20 finance ministers during a meeting in Peru on 8 October 2015. Links to the OECD explanatory statement and reports can be found on the "BEPS Actions" section of this site.
The attached Deloitte alerts summarise the key points and set out an overall perspective from both an International Tax and a US Tax perspective. Deloitte alerts on the individual papers can be accessed through the links below.
- Action 2 (Hybrids): Deloitte International Tax Alert on OECD final report
- Action 4 (Interest deductions): Deloitte International Tax Alert on OECD final report
- Action 5 (Harmful tax practices): Deloitte International Tax Alert on OECD final report
- Action 7 (Permanent Establishment status): Deloitte International Tax Alert on OECD final report
More information on all BEPS Actions.
Deloitte International Tax perspective on the OECD final BEPS reports and explanatory statement
Deloitte US tax alert on the OECD final BEPS reports and explanatory statement