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Tax alerts
News and updates related to Tax Regulations
A newsletter published by Deloitte Touche Solutions.
Recent tax alerts
- January 2025: Tax Alert 2nd Edition (English / Chinese)
Indonesia implements Global Minimum Tax starting 1 January 2025 - January 2025: Tax Alert (English / Chinese)
VAT rate increases to 12% as from 1 January 2025 - October 2024: Tax Alert (English / Chinese)
Gearing up for Pillar Two global minimum tax and subject to tax rule in Indonesia - January 2024: Tax Alert (English / Chinese)
Effective tax rate to calculate employee income tax introduced - April 2022: Tax Alert (English / Korean / Chinese)
New VAT invoice regulation issued
- January 2022: Tax Alert (English / Korean / Chinese)
Implementing regulation on voluntary disclosure program issued
- November 2021: Tax Alert (English / Chinese)
Update on tax incentives related to COVID-19 pandemic
- September 2021: Tax Alert (English / Korean / Chinese)
Regulation Update on Bonded Zones New regulation issued on transfer of participating interest in an oil and gas block
- August 2021: Customs Alert (English / Korean / Chinese / Japanese)
Regulation Update on Bonded Zones
- July 2021: Tax Alert (English / Korean / Chinese / Japanese)
Update on regulations providing tax incentives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- November 2020: Tax Alert 2nd edition (English / Bahasa)
Indonesia releases further clarifications on Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) process including special considerations for businesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic - July 2020: Tax Alert 2nd edition (English)
Implementing Regulation on Tax Incentives for Gross Split PSC Companies Issued
- July 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Appointment of VAT Collectors for E-Commerce Parties Delivering Intangible Taxable Goods and/or Services to Customers in Indonesia - June 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Tax relief provided for taxpayers contributing to the battle against COVID-19 - May 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Additional Business Sectors Eligible for Tax Incentives during COVID-19 Outbreak
- April 2020: 4th edition (English)
Guidance for Calculation of Monthly Income Tax Installments for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2022. - April 2020: 3rd edition (English)
Tax Reliefs for Medical Goods and Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic - April 2020: Transfer Pricing Alert (English / Bahasa)
Indonesia releases revised guidance on Advance Pricing Agreements - April 2020: 2nd edition (English)
New Implementing Regulation on Tax Incentives during COVID-19 Outbreak - April 2020: Tax Alert FSI edition (English)
New Financial Policies in response to COVID-19 with focus on Financial Services Industry
- April 2020: Tax Alert (English)
New State Financial Policies Announced in response to COVID-19 - March 2020: Tax Alert 2nd edition (English)
New Fiscal Measures Announced in response to COVID-19 - March 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Tax Court Service Hours for the Period of 17 March 2020 up to 3 April 2020 - February 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Updates on Indonesia – Singapore Tax Treaty - January 2020: Tax Alert (English)
Ratification of Multilateral Instrument in Indonesia
- December 2019: Tax Alert (English)
Updates on Tax Allowance Facility
- September 2019: Tax Alert (English)
Updates in the Energy and Resources Sector
- July 2019: Tax Alert 2nd edition (English)
Tax Facility for Labour-Intensive Industries and Certain Types of Expenditure
- July 2019: Tax Alert 1st edition (English)
New Updates on Indonesian Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules - May 2019: Tax Alert (English / Bahasa / Chinese / Korean / Japanese)
Indonesia releases revised guidance on Mutual Agreement Procedure to align with Action 14 of OECD BEPS project - April 2019: Tax Alert (English)
New Updates on Export Services Subject to Zero-rated VAT
- February 2019: Tax Alert (English)
New Regulation of the Transfer Pricing Documentation to be submitted with the Corporate Income Tax Return - September 2018: Tax Alert (English)
Article 22 Income Tax Rate Hike for Certain Import Goods - June 2018: Tax alert (English)
Extension of Times for Tax Payment and Reporting and The Fulfillment of Tax Obligations During Idul Fitri Holiday 2018 - April 2018: Tax alert ( English / Bahasa )
Indonesia Tax Authority launches a portal on Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR)
- January 2018: Tax alert ( English / Bahasa / Chinese / Korean / Japanese)
Implementation regulation on Country-by-Country Reports (CbCR) - August 2017: Tax alert ( English / Chinese / Korean / Japanese )
Update on Indonesia Controlled Foreign Corporation Rule
- March 2017: Customs alert ( English )
Customs Audit and Litigation
- March 2017: Business Process Solutions alert ( English )
Adjusted income cap on mandatory pension contribution and introduction to BPJS Manpower mobile application
- March 2017: Tax alert ( English / Chinese )
Extension of Deadline for 2016 Individual Income Tax Returns - January 2017: Transfer pricing alert ( English / Bahasa / Japanese )
Minister of Finance Regulation No. 213/PMK.03/2016
- July 2016: Tax alert ( English )
Transfer Pricing Developments - July 2016: Tax alert ( English )
Tax Amnesty Law - Implementing Regulation Issued - June 2016: Tax alert ( English / Japanese )
Indonesian Tax Amnesty - November 2015: Tax alert ( English / Japanese )
Revaluation of Assets for Fiscal Purposes - September 2015: Tax alert ( English / Japanese )
Indonesia's new armour - Thin Capitalization Rules - February 2015: Tax alert ( English / Japanese )
New Ministry of Finance Regulation on Advance Pricing Agreements - January 2015: Tax alert ( English / Japanese )
New Regulation No. 240/PMK.03/2014