
Reforming Indonesia's Personal Data Protection Landscape

Indonesia's long-awaited Personal Data Protection Law (UU Perlindungan Data Pribadi) was finally enacted on 20 September 2022. In this respect, Deloitte Indonesia Legal and Risk Advisory teams initiated this publication, providing a comprehensive view of Indonesia’s PDP landscape and its importance.

With 211 million internet users, Personal Data Protection (PDP) plays a critical role for the security and management of data shared and circulated not only in the public domain, but also in industries, businesses, and organisations in Indonesia. The number of data breaches and leaks, as well as cybersecurity violations that have occurred in recent years have driven the urgency of a more organized PDP Law enforcement. In this publication, we will take you to explore four important questions: How is the PDP landscape in Indonesia? What are the key aspects of the newly enacted PDP Law? What should organisations do to prepare for compliance with the PDP Law? and last, but not least, why is Data Privacy Management important for organisations?

Reforming Indonesia's Personal Data Protection Landscape
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