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Navigating the Due Diligence process

You know what they say about failing to plan...


Whether your business has received an unsolicited approach from a potential purchaser, your company or division is the subject of a parent company’s divestment programme or if you are a shareholder looking to exit a business, due diligence is likely to emerge as a key step as the transaction proceeds from its infancy through to completion.

In this article Claire Grimes, Director in our Transaction Services team explores the common pitfalls we have encountered during the diligence process:

  • Underestimating the time demands of the transaction process
  • Failure to carry out a readiness review
  • Lack of awareness of the impact of diligence findings on deal metrics

How our Financial Advisory team help?

In Deloitte Financial Advisory, we have extensive experience in assisting companies prepare for sale and navigate the due diligence process. By applying our deep and broad transaction experience, we can help you plan a more efficient diligence process which presents a robust view of your business to ultimately realise a successful transaction that maximises value to shareholders. Read more about our Transaction Advisory services here.

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