
Israel’s Mental Health Tech Startup Landscape 

Where innovative startups revolutionize well-being through groundbreaking solutions

Israel’s Mental Health Tech Startup Landscape

In times of crisis, the effects on mental health have become more evident, with challenges often magnified during crises. From the pandemic to recent global events our perspective on mental well-being has underscored the vital role technology plays in addressing these challenges.

We are pleased to officially launch Deloitte's Catalyst new landscape, “Israel’s Mental Health Tech”. This article provides a spotlight to the transformative power of innovative solutions in reshaping our landscape. Understanding available technologies is essential in a world marked with global instabilities and crises.

Our Mental Health Tech landscape features cutting-edge startups in the Israeli ecosystem, showcasing groundbreaking solutions that make a difference in this critical domain.

Explore the framework categorizing startups and discover the effective ways these solutions can be harnessed and applied through various use cases.

Join us in unraveling the potential of technology to address mental health challenges and build a resilient future.

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