
Advisory for career aspirants

We have been informed of instances where jobseekers are led to believe of ‘job opportunities’ with Deloitte India (“Deloitte”) where Deloitte has not initiated the recruitment activities. These fictitious ‘job opportunities’ are obviously the work of scamsters indulging in nefarious activities.

Scamsters may adopt a variety of means to trick job seekers, including:

  • Interviews with people purportedly from Deloitte where the ‘details of the job will be explained’.
  • False promises of actual or potential selection, or initiation or completion of the recruitment formalities.
  • Documents/communications regarding ‘job offers’ which are made to look like they are from Deloitte, but which are in fact not.
  • Pretexts for jobseekers to pay money to specified bank accounts of individuals or entities as a condition of their selection for a ‘job’ with Deloitte.

These individuals or entities are in no way connected with Deloitte and do not represent or otherwise act on behalf of Deloitte.

Scamsters are getting ingenious in their methods – e.g., they try hard to make their communications look authentic and even use domain names which may be deceptive. It is, therefore, imperative that jobseekers must exercise caution and not fall for the scamsters’ nefarious schemes.

We would like to clarify that:

  • At Deloitte, ethics and integrity are fundamental and not negotiable.
  • We are against corruption and neither offer bribes nor accept them, nor induce or permit any other party to make or receive bribes on our behalf.
  • We do not ask candidates to ‘register’ and pay for such ‘registration’ in relation to job opportunities.
  • We have not authorised any party or person to collect any money from jobseekers in any form whatsoever for promises of getting jobs in Deloitte.
  • We provide a fair opportunity to eligible applicants and consider candidates on merit.
  • No one other than an authorised official of Deloitte is permitted to confirm any job offer from Deloitte.

Anyone who at any time has made or makes any payment to any party against promises of job or selection for a job with Deloitte or any matter related to this (including those for ‘registration’, ‘verification’ or ‘security deposit’) or otherwise engages with any such person who has made or makes fraudulent promises or offers, does so (or has done so) entirely at their own risk. Deloitte takes no responsibility or liability for any such unauthorised or fraudulent actions or engagements.

We encourage jobseekers to exercise caution. If you have queries about the veracity of a job offer you have received which relates to Deloitte or would like to report a fraud with regard to job offers with Deloitte, please send an email to

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