Life at Deloitte

Fostering a culture of inclusion

We want our professionals to feel a sense of belonging with the organisation and know that they are valued. This spurs them on to greater heights.

We believe in the power of inclusion. Our culture framework, which serves as a guide to professionals for desired behaviours, enshrines a commitment to inclusion, community, and talent development, as a key construct.

Professionals with varied backgrounds, having different experiences, views, and ideas should feel respected, and valued in our organisation. This is one of our core focus areas, and our initiatives speak of this commitment.

Maternity, and uninterrupted career growth

Becoming a mother is a joyous experience. Our DMom programme aims to help working mothers give the focus that a newb requires, without having to compromise on career growth.

Counselling services are available for expectant mothers, to guide them during the pre- and post-natal stage, on a wide variety of topics. This counselling is also available to the immediate manager and the spouse of the expecting mother, to help them support her and enable a smooth transition into maternity leave, and return to work.

Encouraging dialogue

Discussions bring forth different points of view, and diverse points of view bring with them valuable and actionable insights. Deloitte fosters periodic, free-flowing discussions among professionals on topics that are especially relevant to women professionals. Interactive sessions featuring the organisation leaders, provide additional insight.

Moreover, our firm-wide, as well as business-specific advisory councils on inclusion enable policies on inclusion to be made in consultation with their beneficiaries.

Paving the way for women leaders

A gender-balanced workforce needs a gender-balanced leadership. DriWe (Deloitte redefines impact for women excellence) is our dedicated learning and development initiative for women, tailored to help them realise their full potential and take charge as the leaders of tomorrow.

Developing male allies

An inclusive workplace cannot be achieved without the support of everyone in the firm. Having strong male allies, who will cement our intentions and move in unison with our inclusion objectives, are integral to inclusion. These male allies are also a part of the Inclusion Advisory councils mentioned above, to give a well-rounded perspective.

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