cfo perspectives 2017


CFO Program

Our CFO Program brings together a team of subject matter experts to help CFOs stay ahead in the face of growing challenges and demands.

Deloitte’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Program brings together a multidisciplinary team of Deloitte leaders and subject matter specialists to help CFOs stay ahead in the face of growing challenges and demands.

The program harnesses our organization’s broad capabilities to deliver forward thinking and fresh insights for every stage of a CFO’s career – helping CFOs manage the complexities of their roles, tackle their company’s most compelling challenges and adapt to strategic shifts in the market.

Deloitte’s vision is clear: To be recognized as the pre-eminent advisor to the CFO.

CFO Program offerings

Next Generation CFO Academy: Start ahead

Offered in various member firms, finance executives nominated by their CFOs are offered this first-of-its-kind development and networking opportunity, which is designed to enhance the “next generation’s” ability to become a great CFO.

CFO Transition Lab: Plan ahead

Offered in various member firms, this powerful experience is designed to help newly appointed CFOs, including those with prior CFO experiences, make an efficient and effective transition.

CFO Conference: Look ahead

Offered in various member firms, the conference provides an opportunity to hear insights and perspectives from thought leaders in business, politics and media – and engage in thought-provoking dialogue among your CFO peers.

CFO Forums: Stay ahead

Offered in scores of cities in nine countries, CFO Forums provide a unique opportunity for CFOs to network with peers, explore challenging issues and share leading practices.

Insights and ideas: Think ahead

Global CFO Signals
This quarterly compendium provides highlights of recent CFO survey results from Deloitte member firms. It includes opinions on a range of areas including the economic outlook, financial markets business trends, their organizations and CFO careers.

CFO Insights
This bi-weekly publication from Deloitte tackles the timely issues that CFOs and senior finance executives face today with practical advice.

The CFO Journal
An online publication from The Wall Street Journal, featuring a regular stream of CFO-centric content and timely features from Deloitte, including insights and analysis, which appear in a separate module.

For more information, please e-mail us at

The Deloitte CFO Program is celebrating its 10th anniversary

Deloitte’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Program brings together a multidisciplinary team of Deloitte leaders and subject matter specialists to help CFOs stay ahead in the face of growing challenges and demands.

Deloitte’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Program

The program brings together a multidisciplinary team of Deloitte leaders and subject matter experts to help CFOs stay ahead in the face of growing challenges and demands, with a vision “to be recognized as the pre-eminent advisor to the CFO.”

Bold insights

The CFO Program harnesses our organization’s broad capabilities to deliver forward thinking and fresh insights for every stage of a CFO’s career—helping CFOs:

  • Understand how to manage the complexities of their roles
  • Develop processes which may assist them to tackle their company’s most compelling challenges
  • To help them prepare to adapt to strategic shifts in the market

CFO Program highlights

CFO Forums: Stay ahead

CFO Forums which are carried out in all major cities provide a unique opportunity for CFOs to network with peers, explore challenging issues and share leading practices.

CFO Transition Lab™: Plan ahead

This powerful experience is designed to help newly appointed CFOs, including those with prior CFO experiences, understand how to make an efficient and effective transition.

Next Generation CFO Academy: Start ahead

Under this Global initiative, finance executives nominated by their CFOs are offered this first-of-its-kind development and networking opportunity, which is designed to enhance the “next generation’s” ability to become a great CFO.

Insights and ideas: Think ahead

CFO Perspectives

This monthly CFO newsletter from Deloitte carries a ‘CFO Speak’ which gives a CFOs views on the challenges that finance executives face today and how do they tackle it! Another section comprises of ‘Expert views’ from Deloitte which discusses the timely issues that CFOs face today in the changing environment.

CFO Survey

Tracks the latest thinking and actions of CFOs representing India’s largest and most influential companies on an annual basis.

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