organization design human capital


Organization Design

Designing strategy for a new organization

Beyond boxology

For many companies, a new organization strategy means a new drawing–an organization chart with boxes and lines that assign people to positions and responsibilities. But “boxology” by itself rarely yields an organization design that’s effective for realizing business strategy. Many companies can sense when an organization strategy isn’t working, and knowing how to tackle the problem can be difficult.

How we can help?

To help our clients bring together these needs, Deloitte has developed the Organization Strategies method. It addresses five critical subject areas:

  • Organization assessment: A look-before-you-leap diagnostic that allows organizations to pinpoint where current-state problems may lie.
  • Organization design, job design, and workforce transition: The collection of geographical, functional, and other matrices people tend to think of when organization strategy is on the table–as well as the decisions on who fills which role. By using job design to refresh the relevance of each job description to the person in that role, the whole organization works more effectively.
  • Decision rights: A formal organization structure includes formal lines of authority, but companies have informal patterns of authority that matter just as much in day-to-day operations. Who needs to sign off? Who will start a turf battle? Our RACI assessment (who’s Responsible? Accountable? Consulted? Informed?) helps determine the answers.
  • Shared vision and goal alignment: An analytic approach to quantifying organizational alignment across functions and service lines.
  • Globalizing work: Each of the concerns above has to work across countries, languages, and generations.

By addressing these areas from the outset, Deloitte’s Organization Strategies team provides an integrated, targeted, and consistent approach to solving organization transformation challenges. We deliver a scalable approach that can be applied to projects of any size.

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